A dragonling?

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Within days of being back, the students were back into the monotony of Hogwarts life, and were beginning to feel rather bored. Harry, Ron, Dudley, Hermione and Neville began to read up, in Harrys personal library, about horcruxes. They discovered a vast amount of unplesent things that could happen as a result of horcruxes, including possesson, which scared them out of their wits for a few hours. They also began to think about where voldemort cound have hidden such an item. However, soon the monotony ended dramatically.

Harry had just finished his transfiguration task twenty minutes early when the door flew open and Charlie Weasley dashed in.

"Charles Weasley! what is the meaning of this?" Professor McGonagal admonished.

"Sorry, professor, I need immediately on the dragon reserve, a Hungarian horntail is about to give birth, and she has requested a certain young Harry potter's presence."

"Very well, Potter, you are dismissed." Professor McGonagal intoned.

Harry grinned at his friends then followed Charlie out of the room.


As soon as they arrived at the reserve, Harry was rushed to the birthing centre to help Smorasbord. He ran up to her.

"Hello, Smorgy, how is it going?"

"Hello, Harry, My hatchling is strugling to break the shell in time, I shall feel aweful if she dies before she can be born."

"How likely is that?"

"Not overly, but it does happen"

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Be here for me."


For an hour or more, Harry sat by Smorgy, watching the egg. Eventually, a crack reached across the entire egg and it craked in two. A little dragonling crawled out, sneezing as a small shard of shell landed on its nose. 

"Baby, come here, baby." Smorgasbord crooned as the dragonling gazed around, glassy eyed, scared of where she was.

"Baby, This is Harry Potter, you are to be called Harriet. My tears are in his wand, and I know he will protect you as I would. Harry, I ask you, will you be her Godfather?"

"What would that mean?"

"That you would protect her if I couldn't."

"Yes, I will happily be Harriets godfather, then."

"Thank you, young wizard."

"you are most welcome."

Charlie Weasley watched this exchange with great amasment, he hadn't known Harry to be a parslemouth, and was surprised when he saw him conversing with the dragon.

"Harry, what was that about?"

"What was what about?"

"the conversation."

"oh, that. I have been appointed Harriets Godfather."


"The young dragon."

"Oh. That's nice. Hang on, whose wand is that?"


"No it isn't. I saw your wand when you first got it... well, a few weeks afterwards. That isn't the same one."

"No, it isn't the same wand, I hand crafted it."


"I gathered the wood, then put it all together with a few drops of my blood. Then Smorgy blew fire on it, cried on it, and now it can even destroy horcruxes." Harry explained.

"You snuck into a dragon reserve."



"I heard the floo password when Bill came over to you from us on Christmas."

"Idiot, you could have been killed."

"I know, and I am sorry, Charlie, but I needed a specific type of wood, and I heard from my familiar that the kind best suited to me could be found here. So I came here."

Charlie looked at the squirming young boy.

"Does your mother know?"

"well......" Harry squirmed a bit more.

"Harry, she needs to know."

"Snape already punished me for it, I don't need her to tell me off as well!"

Charlie ruffled the small boys hair and laughed.

"Tell you what, go back to school and I'll tell her once you've gone. Then she has a few weeks to calm down before the holidays start- and if she tries to murder you, you could always hide at the burrow for a while!"

"Thanks Charlie, see you."

"Bye, kid." Charlie grinned, pushing him towards the floo.

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