U is for Uncle!!!!!!

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Summary: Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and Northern Ireland babysit the colonies minus Romano, he's visiting Italy.


"Please, I am begging you four. Please, please, no cursing, smoking, or any mentions of the three letter s word," England begged his brothers.

"What the three letter s word?" Philippines asked.

"You'll learn when your older."

"Artie, who do you think we are?" Scotland said, "We know how to conduct ourselves around children."

England glared at him, "Really now? Last time you gave my son a cigarette!!"

"That's in the past now."

 "We should get going now Inglaterra," Spain said.

"I mean it!!" England said pointing his wand at his brothers, "Or I'll turn you all into pigeons!!!"

They all put their hands up in a surrender position.

France came over, grabbed England's hand, put the wand one the table, and started pulling him to the door. 

Yes, the three father countries once again had a meeting to attend. England was now regretting not calling Belgium.

"Behave yourselves please!!!"

"We will!!!" The colonies all said.

"Thank you loves but I was talking to your uncles," England once again glared at his brothers.

France pulled England out the house.

"He's finally gone," Ireland said, he looked at the colonies, "So what do you lads and lasses do for fun?"

"We play?" Seychelles said.

"Play, of course you play. But you know, life ain't all sugar and gumdrops."

"Okay?" The colonies all said wondering where this was going.

Wales came over and sat on the couch, "I think you it's time we give you all a life lesson."

"What's that?" Panama asked.

Northern Ireland thought about it for a while, "A lesson about life."

Scotland was raiding England's fridge, "Where does he keep his whiskey or beer or something?"

"What's that?" Canada asked.

"A magical drink," Ireland said.

"I want a magical drink!!" America said.

"I got the whisk- I mean magical drink," Scotland said pouring the drink into four cups, "Artie didn't say we couldn't have this."

"Your too young, you can drink it when I get older," Wales told America, the four of them downed the cups,"Anyway, life lesson number one, your dreams will never come true."

The colonies just stared at him.

"Why?" India asked.

"Why!?!" Scotland started to laugh, "Why, he asks!!!" The other U.K. brothers joined in. They drank some more of the magical drink.

The colonies just looked at each other.

Northern Ireland was wiping tears from his eyes, "Because life isn't fair."

"Oh," Argentina said, "Why isn't life fair?"

"Because," Ireland said, "It just isn't. You can have a younger brother and be stronger than him and tease him all the time. But then-"

Fatherly Spain, France, and England A-ZWhere stories live. Discover now