P is for Penguins!!!!!!!!

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"Come back here gits!!!!!!!" England yelled as he chased America and Australia through his house.

The BTT who were there once again were just watching while eating popcorn along with the rest of North America who were all recording, and New Zealand who was preparing to drive America and Australia to the hospital, they were all very entertained.

"Calm down mom!!" America yelled back.

England started running even faster, "I am not a bloody women!!!!!!"

Okay, so England thought he would be okay with his sons calling him mom once in a while. So maybe once or twice every few weeks.

But America and Australia always overdid it.

They were always calling him mom, causing him to always chase them which usually resulted in him tackling them down and choking them until France pulled him off.

This time he had something else prepared though, he was gonna use his wand and send them  somewhere far away from England.

 England brought out his wand and started chanting a spell.

"Oh no bro, he's gonna use his witchcraft on us!!!" America yelled.

Australia ran towards England and somehow grabbed his wand, which interrupted the spell before England could finish saying it. 

The wand was glowing and pointing up, some blue light shot up and started to surround everyone in the house.

"Whoa, what's happening?" New Zealand asked.

"You gits!! Give me the wand before we all get sent to-"

All of sudden, they all disappeared in a poof.


Prussia looked around, the popcorn bowl was still in his hands, he felt cold and there was snow everywhere.

He heard a honk and felt something peck his leg. He looked down to see:

A penguin?

The bird pecked his leg again and slightly jumped towards the popcorn bowl.

"No," Prussia told the bird. It tilted it's head at him. Gilbird decided to tell the bird no too and chirped at it.

The penguin jumped up at the popcorn again.

"This is the Awesome Me's popcorn!!! Get your own!!"

"Prussia?" Prussia turned to see Spain walking towards him, "Why are you arguing with a penguin?" 

"He wants the awesome me's popcorn!!"

Spain grabbed some popcorn and threw it on the ground for the penguin.

Big mistake.

While the penguin was eating the popcorn, more of them came over, which started a fight for food.

So now there were over 15 penguins in front of them. One of them looked up at the countries in front of them and honk for more food. This caused the others to look up at them.

Prussia pointed to each bird and said no.

They all took a step forward towards him.

Prussia took a step back, "Stay away, this is my popcorn."

The birds took two steps forward.

Prussia took a step forward, thinking that they would take a step back.

Nope, they took a step closer.

Prussia started to run, the penguins went after him.


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