Healed my Cuts

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I walk this lonely street on the boulevard of broken dreams...

I sit in my room, with its black walls and red stained-glass window. I open it and look outside. Rain. I sit on my bed, holding my bloody pocket knife. Tears roll down my face and land on my wrist, stinging the cut.

Pain makes you stronger...right?

I let my wrist bleed a little more and then clean it up with a towel. I change into a black shirt with sleeves that go to my knuckles.

My iPhone buzzes and I pick it up.

-You freak! Go kill yourself

It was from Josiah. A guy that hated me since December.

That's the sixth time this afternoon that's happened to me.

I hold back the tears.

Take the feelings, and bottle them up.

I open my window and sit on the ledge, letting the raindrops hit my boots.

I can fall now. It can all be over.

I go back inside and close the windows.

"Slater! Come downstairs!" Mom yells.

I walk down the stairs and sit at the table.

"It's dinnertime, dear." She slides a paper plate with a slice of pizza on it. She hands me a glass of lemonade and sits down.

"Slater!" My little sister smiles, missing her two front teeth. "I drew you a picture!" She holds up a picture of a stick figure with long, black hair with a thick streak of red. Just like mine.

I crack a slight smile.

My baby brother, Patrick crawls up and smiles up at me. I pick him up and cradle his 10-month-old body in my arms.

I put him down and he crawls to the living room.

I take a small bite of pizza.

"Slater, you have to eat." Mom says.

I sigh and eat half the pizza.

"Slater, you know that if you need me, I'll be there for you." She says. She tells my sister, Rachel to go to bed and puts Patrick in his crib in his room.

"No." I say and march upstairs.

I look at my iPhone and see it's 6:00pm.

I decide to go to bed. I change into a black tank-top and red pajama pants. I snuggle in bed and see my scar.

I softly stroke it and fall asleep.


"SLATER! WAKE UP!" Rachel shakes me awake.

"I'm up!" I yell and Rachel runs off.

I change into a black and white striped shirt with sleeves that go off the shoulder. The sleeves go to my knuckles. I slid in some black jeans and my black combat boots.

I brush my long, pitch black hair and let it fall onto my shoulders.

I grab my red and black plaid backpack and run to the bus stop.

When the bus comes, I walk on and look for a seat. Everyone gives me dirty looks.

Someone trips me and I fall on my face. Everyone laughs their butts off.

I look up and see a guy with longish dark black hair. He holds out his hand and I take it.

I sit next to him. He has a black T-shirt with a white skull on it. He has Black jeans and a chain at his pocket. He has black boots and a bracelet that says,"MADNESS."

"Hey." I say.

"Hey." He replies.

"You new?"

"Yep." He looks at me and cracks a slight smile.

"I'm Slater." I say timidly.

"I'm Darek."

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