Final PotC 5 Fact

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This will probably be the last update on this book until I come up with a way to start either of the book ideas listed in the previous chapter. 


Recently, it was reported that Bill Nighy, the actor of Davy Jones, did not know that he was in the fifth movie. (If you watched the post-credits scene, you would know that he was there.) It was said that the actor got into a taxi, and the driver asked him some questions, and it snowballed from there.

Here is the dialogue from Empire Online (not sure how reliable this is, but anyway, other sources say the same...)

  "The cab driver said, 'Are you doing the next one?'", recounts Nighy. "I said, 'No. I didn't know there was a next one.' He said, 'Well, you were in the last one'. I said, 'No I wasn't'. He said, 'Yes, you were'. So that's all I know. You probably know more than I do."  

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