Dead Man's Chest (Cont. 8)

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I know this has more than ten, but there were a few facts left over, so I decided to combine them. This is the last "Dead Man's Chest" part, so the next section will be about "At World's End". 


~ Davy Jones had originally been designed with chin growths, before the designers made the move to full-blown tentacles. His skin incorporates the texture of a coffee-stained Styrofoam cup among other elements. (I think he looks better with tentacles, somebody want to imagine him with chin growths for me? I am afraid of the outcome.)

~ The film premiered at Disneyland in Anaheim, California.

~ Stellan Skarsgård (Bootstrap Bill Turner) was dubbed "Bouillabaisse" on set. (I wonder why...)

~ Liar's Dice is available to play as a DVD special feature, it is available for the DVD of PotC At World's End. (Did anybody find this and actually played it? I know what I am going to do tonight.)

~ Bill Nighy wore make-up around his eyes and mouth to splice into the computer-generated shots, but the images of his eyes and mouth were not used. (What a waste.)

~ The scene where Elizabeth kisses Capt. Jack Sparrow was actually left out of Orlando Blooms's script for a better reaction. (I feel sick thinking about this scene)

~ For a dose of authenticity in the final twist at the end of the film, the actors were not told, prior to filming, that Geoffrey Rush would be appearing in the movie. They were told, before the scene was shot, that the person coming down the stairs would be Anamaria (Zoe Saldana) from the first Pirates film; the looks of surprise on their faces as Rush descends are genuine. 

~ While in Tia Dalma's hut, Jack is seen handling a black hat with a large black feather in it. Those who know the first movie will recognize the hat as belonging to Barbossa.

~ When Jack offers the monkey to Tia Dalma, she opens the cage, setting the monkey free. The monkey then runs off and starts playing with a pair of boots that are attached to a leg (presumably Captain Barbossa's).

~ When Jack Sparrow is at Tia Dalma's hut, there is a necklace on the table when Jack is stealing the ring. The picture on the necklace is the same image on the music box on Davy Jones' pipe organ, a hint to a major plot point in At World's End.

~ The apple that Captain Barbossa bites at the end of the film is a nod to the previous film. In that film, Barbossa lamented that as a living dead, he could not enjoy the taste of an apple.

~ The wilhelm scream is heard during the scene where Will Turner is on the Edinburgh Trader when the Kraken attacks.

~ Geoffrey Rush is not credited, however his assistant Stephen J. Young is.

~Body count: 82 (I have no clue as to what this fact refers to but I will guess. Dead People? Actors? Characters? Aliens?)

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