At World's End (Cont. 3)

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~ According to Gore Verbinski, the Singapore scenes were intended to parody spa culture: a naturally humid atmosphere was achieved with a careful combination of lighting equipment and gallons of water, and fungi were allowed to grow within the set to enhance the mood. (

~ Director Gore Verbinski assisted composer Hans Zimmer on composing the musical score for the film. He and Zimmer collaborated on the "Hoist the Colors" song; and Verbinski played the guitar in the parley scene.

~ The line spoken by Barbossa as they enter the maelstrom is one of the lines spoken by the skull in the Disneyland ride before going down the first drop: "It be too late to alter course now!"

~ Calypso is cited by Davy Jones in this film to be a heathen god. This brings the saga full circle, as in C.O.T.B.P., Captain Barbossa mentioned heathen gods. (For some reason I associate the word 'saga' with Twilight, WHY?)

~ The animators completed the VFX in five months. (I cannot survive homework for 5 hours, but 5 months?)

~ Two major plot points, Governor Swan learning the truth about Jones' heart and the cause of the original lost of the Black Pearl, are revealed in the deleted scenes. Number one occurs when Beckett and Norrington first board the Dutchman. Cruelly, Jones tells Governor Swan that Elizabeth is dead, so he tries to stab the heart and Jones mockingly tells him what would happen if he did. Number two occurs in an extended cut of the discussion between Lord Beckett and Jack. It is revealed that Beckett had a deal with Jack to steal some cargo that turned out to be slaves, so when Jack set them free, Beckett burnt and sank the Black Pearl and branded him. In the scene, Beckett is amazed to see the Pearl afloat, and says that Jack paid "a heavy price" to have her back. (You are a cruel man Cutler Buckett!)

~ As all the shooting required in the Caribbean had been conducted in 2005, filming went on at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah and the Californian coast.

~ Release prints were delivered to theaters with the fake title "Rummy 3". (Imagine if that was the actual title.)

~ Hans Zimmer stated in an interview that he wrote the music for the films as if he was scoring a "biker movie", and that during the process he substituted the ships for motorcycles in his mind when viewing the film. (Okay...)

~ The toy soldiers seen on Lord Beckett's desk were specially ordered from King & Country, a Hong Kong based company that deals in military miniatures.

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