Kevin Uchiha

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i sat in my seat still waiting for my sensei to tell me which squad i'm in and who my team mates are. i keep waiting, i look over my shoulder and see a lot of kids staring at me. there expressions tell me that they wanna fight. i then turn my head the other way and see all the girls with there dreamy eyes on staring at me, i don't feel flattered at all because i'm so dang used to it. i then put two and two together. the guys that want to fight me don't like me because of all the girls liking me. i frown then keep listening to the teacher speak.

"squad 7, Kevin Uchiha, Tadashi Shimura, and Mina Senju." he finishes. i look around and see that one of the kids sitting in front of the kids that wanna fight, looks at me. his brown eyes pierce into my soul. i look away and turn my head to the girls, all the girls except one looks disappointed. she waves at me and i wave back. all the girls start looking at her dirty she just puts her head down on the table and waits for the angry stairs subside.

he calls the last three squads and then tells each squad where to meet "squad 7, you meet up in room 132 on the 2nd floor of the academy." he says then continues. i start to walk out of the classroom and then i hear people talking about me, i turn in there direction and see that it's the kids that wanna fight me. i then see the biggest one out of the group step out and say "what are you looking at uchiha." he says. i stare at him and make him get mad.

"you wanna go!" he yells, i keep staring at him, "alright then you asked for it." he says starting to charge. i turn all the way towards him and then as soon as he gets in taijutsu range i then lift up my leg and knee him in the chin. he falls over and hits the ground face first, "hey Kevin!" yells Ryutaru sensei. he runs over and see's what i did. "you are i-" he starts to say when the most popular girl in the class walks over and stands in front of me.

"Sakane what is the meaning of this?" he says. "it wasn't his fault, Yabuto challanged him to a fight." "did he now?" he says looking down at Yabuto. he looks up wiping blood of his chin. "yes sir i'm the one that challanged Kevin to a battle." he says. i then start walking over to room 132. i walk into the room and see that my two team mates are already there. i walk in and sit down on a chair in the back of the room.

we wait about 10 minutes till we here the door creak open. then a man about in his 20's walks into the classroom. "hello." tadashi says. "are you our sensei?" asks mina. "why yes i am." says the man, he then looks at me, then looks back at the other two. meanwhile we all found ourselves sitting on balcony 7 of the academy. "alright, how about we get to know each other? hmmmmmm?" sensei says. "i am Atsushi Uchiha and i like to teach." he says with a smile, he then turns to tadashi.

"oh, i am tadashi shimura and i like to play with my pet." he says, "hmm good, what kind of pet?" he asks. "my snake," tadashi says. he then turns to mina. "i am mina senju and i like to hang out with my best friend." she says. he nods then turns to me. "now you." he says. "i am Kevin uchiha and i like to train." i say. "hmm, was satoshi your father?" he asks. i nod. he then looks down to the ground in silence. "anyway, i think its time for us to go home, tomorrow we have a big day." he says.

as i walk back in the direction to my house i then sense a chakra, then i notice a shadow above me. i quickly dodge by rolling aside, then yabuto lands on the ground kunai in hand. "i thought you were done challenging me." i say. "shut up, your nothing but a big show off, show offs are nothing but trash." he says. "well then, are you gonna fight me or what?" i say. "im gonna have some fun with you." he growls

he then charges at me with his kunai, i then move to the side, he then stabs the knife into the ground and lifts his legs up and tries to kick me, i duck and punch him in the nose, he falls over holding his damaged nose, blood drips from his hands. he growls and then yells and runs away. i then keep walking home, i get to the gateway to the uchiha clan and walk in. i get home and pull off my shoes and walk to the kitchen where the aroma of fresh food, i think chicken. i walk in and see my mom cooking. "hi mom i'm home." i say.

she turns around and sees me, "hi sweetie did you have a good day at the academy?" she asks. "yeah it was good i guess." i lie. "well thats good honey." she adds. "heres your plate i made sure that it has everything you like on it." she says. "oh thanks mom." i say. she puts the plate down on the table and i sit down on my pillow. i start to eat and when i'm finished i get up and put my plate in the sink. "thanks mom, that was good." i say. she smiles and then looks back down to the papers she's been writing on.

the next day i walk back to the balcony me and my teammates were on yesterday. tadashi and mina are already their. "sorry i'm late." i say. "its alright." mina says. "its OK just as long as you don't do it again," says tadashi with a smile. i laugh and say "alright, ill try not to." with a smile. mina then looks away and then sees sensei at the end of the road. "get ready you three!" says Atsushi sensei, with a grin on his face.

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