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~Geno Sans

He stared at me and fell silent for a few seconds, and finally said, "What if I don't wanna tell ya?" 

This confirmed my speculation that he did want something with Ink whether it was death or control. My eyes narrowed as I snapped my fingers and a whole kiloliter(I'm doing the metric system because I CAN and its easier for me to understand at least when it comes to liquids) of black stuff held in a container with a dart gun sitting on top of it appeared next to me. "I'll have to resort to this." He stared at it, and from his expression, it seemed like he knew what it was. 

"Like it? I borrowed it from the old man himself. Doesn't know I did though, I've been harvesting it from him for months now. All I have to do is put some of this on a dart, and bingo, I'm all set up and ready to fire and have you drown in your own fears and sorrows. So, what'll it be? Tell me where Ink is, I let you go. Don't tell me, well, you and this dart gun are going to have a very VERY detailed conversation." 

He paused for a second like he was actually thinking about it, and then put his hands up and said, "Ok, Ok, I'll tell ya where he's at. This tots weird thang he calls the "doodle sphere" bruh I don't even know just lemme go pleaseeeee?" 

I sighed and said, "welp, I'm going over there to make sure he's ok. You'll stay in here. When I get back I'll let you out ok?" He said nothing. "Welp, I'm taking that as a "Ok gottie!" So bye." I teleported to the doodle sphere(Ink thought that only he could teleport who and what he wanted to the doodle sphere, but I made some shortcuts, he doesn't mind though) and I saw Ink, blood everywhere, in the middle of trying to stop the bleeding, on the ground. He looked up at me and I just stared. "Who did that to you?" I said, as I walked up to him and studied his wounds. 

"I-I would rather not say... I'm fine though! I really am!" He tried to get up but yelled out in pain and fell back down. "Oh yeah, like you're fine. It was Fresh wasn't it. "  Silence. Ink looked at the ground, and back up at me again. "Yup. I knew it. It's ok. I have him secured. I might as well tell you what I've been trying to do while I do this. 

I took out a syringe full of what I like to call "Painless pain",I actually named it Glycathorea but I call it painless pain for short,  because it had a purple tinge to it and hurt like hell at first(I found out how to make THAT when I knew I could die,) and shoved it into Inks leg. He winced, but like he always does he took it, and it stopped the bleeding and allowed me to bandage him up while telling him what I had planned for and did to Fresh. 

Ink smiled and said, "Well that sounds like a great idea, helping Fresh and his host out by giving Fresh a body that isn't alive. But uhm where is he now?"

"Oh. He's with me. Wanna see him, or...." 

"Well....yeah. As long as he's in a cage I feel safe talking to him."

I teleported me and Ink back to where I had Fresh, who was looking around in the cage like he was trying to figure a way out. When Ink came up to him they just stared at each other for a little while, Ink staring blanky with no expression on his face, eyes black. Ink then said that he wanted to leave, and I said alright and took him back to the doodle sphere. He said thanks and grabbed my hand and said that he still forgives Fresh, and left through a door somewhere. 

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