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~Geno Sans

Nightmare really took a toll on Fresh. Ink was trying his best to get Fresh to snap out of it, but whatever Nightmare did to him, he wasn't snapping out of it at all. Error suggested killing him again, and in response, I punched him in the arm. "Dude, this is Inks priority right now. I don't recommend saying that."

"Psh, fine, whatever." 

We decided to tie Freshes host guy up until further notice and I was supposed to guard the freaking cage they put Fresh Fresh in. Error and Ink were fighting again when the parasite woke up, and when I said some simple word, "hi", he slammed his back or whatever it was into the cage and shivered like crazy. Ink then started pacing around, trying to figure out how to get Fresh to stop. 

It seemed like days until  Ink snapped his fingers and said, "I got it! I have to get Dream!" We both stared at him. "DREAM? Why him?" Error sighed in disgust and said, "The creative little idiot almost killed me one time, that's why he hasn't been around here. How do you expect me to say yes to this." Ink took his brush and pinned it against his throat and said, "BECAUSE YOU WILL." 

"ok ok jeez... I got it."

Ink smiled and teleported out. Error and I stared at each other and at the terrified Fresh then back at each other again for what looked like hours before Ink came back with Dream next to him. "Whats the proble- OOH ok I got it!" Dream said as he prepared an arrow. 

He shot the arrow into Freshes chest where the black stuff was and the black stuff dissipated like evaporating water along with the arrow. Dream then patched up Freshes chest and got a cloth out from his pocket and patted the parasite down with it, the parasite was limp throughout all this like it gave up on life, but when he was patting it down it shivered, not with fear, but in response to the warmth of the cloth, and started moving a little bit. Dream smiled and patted it a bit more just for fun and put it back into the Sans. "He'll be fine in a few...minutes, I suspect!"

Error huffed and rolled his eyes. Dream took notice of this, and stammered, "I-I'm sorry for what I did to you that time Error, I-I was only protecting myself...."

"Who cares if you were. You almost made my soul break into pieces, if it wasn't already. So f-"

Ink interrupted. "Guys stop fighting. Error knows it was an accident, right?"

".........J*&^%$%^&*( fine. I guess I do know it was an accident. According to INK."

Dream knew that Error still hated him, but he smiled anyway and said, "Thanks, Ink!"

"You're welcome!" 

I sighed and walked over to Fresh and sat down. I don't know why I cared if he was ok, but I just did. While Dream and the rest were talking, I waited for Fresh to wake up or come to his senses or whatever. When he did, he looked confused for god knows what reason. "Have a nice rest- well, of course you didn't why am I saying that, heheh. Hopefully, when Dream got that stuff outta you, you stopped thinking about whatever it was you were thinkin' about." I pointed to Dream. "You should thank him, I should have known about what he could do with nightmares. He IS Dream after all." 

He looked even more confused now, and told me he never wanted to go through THAT again, and that whoever that was was "diddly un-fresh to be all up in makin' people 'fraid of everythin'." I told him, "Heh, its his job too. At least he thinks it is anyway. That was nightmare. Haunts your dreams, that type of carp. Dream over there makes sure that doesn't happen. He only attacks those who attack people that are working with him or for him, or try to hurt him. So I guess Dust is working for him, which explains how he got into Underswap so easily."

"Woah, so  un-fresh..."

"Meh. Just be glad I explained it to you and not Error, he would give you a demonstration on how Nightmare treats people that disobey him."

Fresh went over to thank Dream, and he hugged Fresh immediately when he got over there and asked if he was ok. He looked surprised about this but said that he was fine. Dream then stopped hugging him and smiled. He said that he had to go now, but that if anyone else needed help to call him. Error muttered some words under his breath about him almost killing him again and Dream just booped his nose and left. "So..." I said, trying to change the subject because Error was glitching out due to the boop and looked like he was about to kill someone. "Wanna go to Grills in ah, reg Undertale? Of course, the grillby would be confused as all heck but..."

Fresh said heck yeah, Ink smiled and said sure, and Error just stopped glitching out and said fine, whatever. 

When we got there though we saw Nightmare again. But what I saw, completely freaked me out.

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