Unwanted Savoir

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~Dust Sans

Jeez, getting knocked out is becoming a thing. When I woke back up, I was in the anti-void again, with the other Sans and Ink. Error was talking to Fresh(still in a cage) saying god knows what. I was tied up of course, but they really didn't need to do that. I was too tired to move anyway. 

All I could mutter was, "Ugh... what happened...." The other Sans turned and said, "You went completely ballistic on Error. Like started trying to stab him. He glitched out of course, then you were stabbing snow, and uh yeah." 

"Oh... meh. Whatever. Sans.."


"Y-you don't believe Fresh, right? Papyrus is real, right? RIGHT?"

"......yeah, he's real. Don't worry. Fresh was just trying to uhm.... distract you I guess."

I turned to look at Ink. "And you saved Fresh? Why. He's just a dumb idiot parasite."

"Weeell...." Ink said. "I dont like death, and Fresh is bad but he shouldn't die!! Nobody deserves to die...."

Fresh and Error had stopped their conversations and were staring at Ink. I laughed. "S-so, what you're saying is someone that killed thousands doesn't deserve to die themselves???"

"N-no, I'm just saying not to kill him! Yeah!"

"Well, thats something new. Whatever though. Could you untie me now, I won't do anything."

"OH uh yeah sure!"

When he untied me, I slowly got up and smiled. "Well, I give up. Nice job parasite. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I... I'm done. C'mon Paps, we can't kill everyone. Error, could you point me to my universe? I'm going home." He pointed out a tear that had everyone back in it but me, and I set off. I didn't want to deal with any of this bullshit right now. 

Before I left, I could hear Ink saying, "Oh, Hi Geno!" and a voice say, "Who's that?"

"Oh thats dust!  He's leaving though!"

"Hmph. Ok. Error, I know how you feel about Fresh, but I'm with Ink on this. I-"

Then I was in my own universe, and everything was back to normal. Killing everyone, Torturing Chara, killing her, and having her reset again. 

Everything was going fine...

Until I met this "Geno" myself.

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