His blood ran cold and he felt like he had just swallowed a weight, but still he had to know more.

“Please, Diego. I very well may have been the father. How old was the baby?” he asked desperately.

Diego looked at the anxiety stuck in Ace’s turquoise eyes and knew that he had to break the code.

“She was almost two months pregnant when she lost the baby,” he said in his heavy Cuban accent.

Ace calculated in his head, he really could be the father. And it wasn’t like they had used a condom that time. He actually hadn’t even thought of it, and he was pretty good at remembering that kind of stuff.

Of course Ace knew why it would be so easy to forget. Everything about Skye was perfect. Every inch of her beautiful tanned body, from the tips of her long, dark wavy hair to her round, just the right size breasts looked like it has been sculpted by Michelangelo himself.

“I can’t believe it,” Ace finally spat out.

Diego looked at him with an expression of pity in his large brown eyes.

“Can’t believe what?” Trixie asked, yawning. She stretched her long arms till they hit the ceiling of the jeep. She straightened out the cricks in her neck and said, “That was the most uncomfortable sleep in my life. So what were you saying?”

Ace stared out of the window so he wouldn’t have to look at one of his best friends in the eyes when he said,

“I think Skye miscarried my baby. I mean I know she miscarried a baby, Diego told me. But I think it might’ve been mine,” he said bluntly. It felt so weird just saying it like it was a common known fact.

“To miscarry your baby, she would have to be pregnant with your baby..” Trixie said slowly. Denial was written all across her pretty face.

She stared at Ace with the look of true, absolute horror as she realized the depth of what she had just said.

Tears filled her golden eyes and Ace had to look away again so he himself, wouldn’t break down. But it was too late, he felt water well in his eyes.

“You got her pregnant?” she asked in a tear-strained voice.

“Its okay,” she began, wiping away the tears that fell onto her porcelain skin. She moved her hand over Ace’s back and gave him a side hug. Ace stared into his lap, tears fell freely onto his light blue faded jeans, causing dark blue polka dotted marks all over his thighs.

“You did what?!” shouted Justin.

A look of absolute hatred was set in Justin’s penetrating eyes. He looked like he could tear Ace’s head off and be totally fine with that.

“You disgusting piece of shit,” he spat angrily.

Trixie turned around so she was facing Justin.

“Whoa, calm down,” she began, with a bright pink face.

“I told you to fucking leave her alone, why the hell would you go and fuck her?!” he asked, enraged.

A sudden wave of realization struck Ace and he was all of a sudden just as mad as Justin.

“You’re just jealous that she wanted me and didn’t want you!” he shouted back over Trixie’s head.

“Ace..” warned Trixie, trying to catch his eye.

But Ace didn’t even notice Trixie right now. The only thing he felt was this overwhelming urge to punch Justin in his annoying fucking face.

Tell Me I'm Different (Finished!)Where stories live. Discover now