Chapter 29

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After having the most amazing birthday ever, I was absolutely the happiest girl in the entire world. I had a wonderful boyfriend, the best brother a girl could wish for and awesome friends who look after me as if I were their little sister.

Today it was New Years Eve and I was kind of excited. There was no show planned today, so we were going to have some 'family' time and when it was about midnight, we would go to the beach to watch the beautiful fireworks.

Family time doesn't always mean being active and all kind of those things, so we were just staying at the mansion to talk a little and play funny games on the Wii. The girls agreed to cook lunch and dinner, so right on this moment we were just chopping some vegetables for lunch. We are making spaghetti, since it isn't that hard to cook and everybody loves pasta.

"- Oh damn, we ran out of oignons and we need some more. I'll go to the grocery store quickly." Michele announced. Sylvia and I just replied with 'okay' and she went of to the store. I just went on chopping, humming one of my favorite songs.

"- You seem in a good mood." Sylvia said.

"- Why wouldn't I be? It's a wonderful day.

- Does that 'wonderful' have something to do with Austin?" She smirked at me.

"- Maybe. Maybe not. I'm just truly happy for the first time in forever.

- I see..." It was quiet for a moment again.

"- Now that Mama Mahone is gone, it's time to talk stuff. So... Have Austin and you done it already?" Her smirk grew even bigger.

"- What? No..." I whispered so that nobody would hear us.

"- Not yet.

- But are you ready?

- I think so. I want too.

- So why don't you?

- Because of James. Austin keeps making moves and every single time I let him go, but right on the moment I want to take his shirt off or he wants to take mine off, my brother walks in and yells something like 'Keep'em in ya pants bro!'. Don't get me wrong, I really love James, but sometimes he's a little too overprotective.

- I get what you mean.

- But it's just not fair. He won't let me have my first night with Austin, while you and he probably already slept together.

- I know. It's true, we did. But I'll tell you this: tomorrow night there is no show either. I'll make sure everybody besides you and Austin are out of the house and than it's up to you and him.

- Thank you." I hugged her tight cause I was so happy she was doing this for me. I mean: Austin and I have been together for over 3 months and all I feel for him is love. He has been making moves and I know I'm ready. One day it'll happen eventually, it might as well be tomorrow.

"- You're welcome. So... which song where you humming the other minute? I don't think I know it.

- 'Can We Dance' by The Vamps. They are a really good British band.

- Cool. Sing me a part.

- Okay... But I can't sing, so I'm sorry if you are getting deaf at the end..." I sang Sylvia a piece of the song with my eyes closed so that I wouldn't see her face looking in disgust at my singing.

"- ... I know I don't know you, but I'd like too skip the small talk and romance girl. That's all I have to say, so baby can we dance..." I opened my eyes again and litteraly everybody was standing in the kitchen. This was not good.

"- Wow, that was really good Chlo." Sylvia complemented me.

"- No it wasn't. I'm a terrible singer.

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