Chapter 6

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Chloe's P.O.V

After a very long flight, our plane finally landed in London Heathrow, cause we'll first do shows in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Than we move on to France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Switserland, Austria, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Russia, Belarus and just every country of Europe. That's the exact order, I only forgot the last ones. And after Europe it's up to Asia, than Africa, than South-America, than Australia is up and to finish they are doing a shows in New York, Washington, Dallas, Kansas somewhere and to finish, L.A. I just told you our whole schedule. You must be bored. But that's what I'll be doing the coming 5 months, while sharing a bus with 4 dogs. Yes, I just called Carlos and James dogs. Cause that's how they act when they're alone with the two of them.

I got out of the plane and waited for my suitcases. There was a delay, which should practically be impossible cause we had come by private jet. I let out a deep sigh. Let's hope this means that only fun will follow.

"- Waiting for your suitcases?" A friendly voice asked.

"- Yeah, they won't come.

- Mine either." I slightly turned and saw Austin waiting at the assembly-belt, just like me. Looking at him this way, he looks kind of cute. Okay, Chloe, stop, he can have any girl, why would he pick you?

"- Oh, there are my suitcases. I guess I'll see you at the hotel later." He smiled widely at me as he walked away.

A few minutes later, my suitcases finally passed by and I searched for James. I tried to get outside, which was practically impossible, cause a lot of fans were waiting for them to arrive. Because they came out first, everyone ran over to them and I can't get trough. Security even had to help me out. Wow, I never knew they were this popular over here. A big guy had to pick me up and literally put me on the bus, otherwise I would've been crushed by the crowd.

"- What was that?" I sighed when we finally took off.

"- That were our fans. And I thought that only in my dreams it would be that many. Even though I think a lot of them were there for Austin." Carlos answered my question, barely able to believe it himself.

The bus took us in less than a half an hour to the most fancy hotel of London. A good thing about traveling with your popstar brother, is that you get in the most beautiful places and buildings. In the first hotel we get, we will be picking straws for who sleeps with who. That will be for the rest of the tour that way. But there's a little difference: I can only sleep with the main so that means Austin, the guys or Michele, not someone from the band. I really hope I won't have to sleep with Austin or his mom. I barely know them, it would get really awkward I think. Especially because Austin and I have about the same age. I Always get really shy in the neighbourhood of guys of my own age. I don't know why... That's one of the reasons that I never had a boyfriend... I'm just way too shy. So... I hope I'll be joining my brother or that I have the bedroom on my own... I really hate this. Who invented it anyway? Oh wait. Dumb question: the dorks did. I can't believe Austin and his mom agreed with this. I only did because I felt I had too.

"- Okay! Time to pick names." My brother shouted. I bet he came up with this stupid idea.

"- And our innocent hand for today is... the baby sister!

- Really?" I must have said that out loud cause everybody was looking at me. I glared at my brother with the angriest face I had. I walked up to him and picked the first name out of the jar. On the little letter was the first name.

"- Austin." I said out loud.

"- Will be joined by... " Please don't let it be me. Please don't let it be me. Pleasee.... I opened the little piece of paper.

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