Chapter 15

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When the last person in the line had her meet and great, I went up to my brother, cause it's a tour thing to take pictures at every venue from the band and everyone who is with. I spontaniously hugged James.

"- Wow, that's a long time ago you did that.

- I'm just in the mood.

- I guess your talk with Austin went good than.

- You can say that." I placed myself in between Logan and James for the picture.

"- What happened?" The photographer took the picture. I bended over to James so that I could whisper in his ear.

"- He kissed me.

- Well that would explain the smile you have on your face." He whispered back.

"- I'm happy for you. You deserve it." He added on the back.

"- Thank you. You're the best." I said on a normal tone.

"- You're welcome." I walked away from them cause it was time for the opening act to join the band. Of course they had to do a crazy picture. I laughed by the sight of them acting all weird. Waw, I can't even remember the last time I laughed. But I can't say I don't like it. I like being happy.

"- Okay. Now the baby sister on here too!" Great, now I'll have to act all crazy too. For once I really don't care, I love it. I practically ran over to them.

"- I suggest we pick her up and carry her all in our arms and she makes a peace sign." Carlos suggested.

"- Great idea." Logan said and before I realised Kendall had picked up one of my legs. I was standing in front of Logan, so I had to wrap my arm around his neck not to fall. They were all standing next to eachother and I lying in their arms. 5 pair of strong arms were carrying me and I just hoped they wouldn't drop me. But with a smile I did a peace out and even a duckface. This will be a hilarious picture.

"- And now one from Austin and Chloe." James said. Good idea actually, than I'll have something that will remind me of these amazing months that are about to come.

"- Do the tango!" Kendall shouted.

"- We will!" I shouted back with a laugh.

"- Is that okay for you?" Insecure as I was, I of course had to ask Austin first.

"- It's perfect." He smiled and I smiled back. I really wanted to kiss him, but I still don't feel when it's the right time. And besides everybody is watching. Something deep inside me said that I was staring, but he was staring too. We both popped out when someone waved with his hands in front of our eyes.

"- Hellooowwww? Come on, there isn't much time left. We still need dinner before show." Logan was getting impatient. Weird, normally he Always wants to come late.

"- Yeah sure. I replied." My hand was already resting in Austin's, we only needed to form the pose. We did and the photographer snapped the picture.

"- Can I have this dance?

- Of course." We started dancing our way trough the hall till we reached the room where the food was waiting for us. We both released our grip on each other and he reached his arm out and bowed.

"- My lady.

- Thank you." I smiled. On this moment I couldn't be happier. We attended the buffet. The good thing about tour is, that every venue tries his best for the food, cause they Always want you to come back. Most of the times they buy expensive and the most delicious things. I don't mind at all. There was a big round table in the middle, where we all sat down. Austin sitting next to me, Logan on my other side, Kendall next to him, my brother next to Kendall and Carlos next to James and Michele and Michele next to Austin, which makes the circle round. This food was really good. Especially the dessert. I really like desserts. It's like my favorite part of dinner. Today there was vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce. Heaven. The staff of the venue had put a spraybottle of whipped cream on the table. Austin must have thought it was getting boring cause he sprayed some on his hand. I first assumed he would lick it off, but instead he greased it all over my face.

"- You're going down." was what I answered. I tried to take the bottle out of his hands to do back what he did to me. We were some kind of wrestling when I managed to spray some on his face. All I could do was laugh really hard, but I didn't want to know how I looked.

"- You find that funny?" And the fight started all over again. This was actually fun. Normally I would never do something like this.

"- Hey love birds, look my way." My brother said. With my face under the whipped cream and some on Austins face, with our arms strangled, we looked his way and he snapped a picture of us. A little faded by his action, we cleaned our faces with some napkins and tried to behave.

"- Big brother, can I see the picture?" He showed me his Phone. The picture was actually kind of funny.

"- Austin look." I mumbled trying not to laugh. Showing him the Phone, he had to laugh too. Right on that second, my Phone started beeping several times. Alex was calling me.

"- Sorry, I have to take this. Do you guys mind?

- No, go." Kendall answered. I walked out of the room, to the hallway.

"- Hey." She was Lucky I was in a good mood.

"- Hi. It's Alex. Am I calling at a bad time?

- No. I have some time. Why exactly do you call?

- To apologize. Look, I'm sorry. I was selfish. I shouldn't have done that. I know you were and are heaving a hard time. My dirty mind was taking over and I didn't realise you were trying to tell me you were not happy with the situation. I'm sorry Chloe, I miss my best friend.

- Apologies accepted. I missed you too.

- So... how's everything going?

- Better. Everything is starting to go out the good way. I'm actually starting to have fun.

- That's great to hear. But hey, I have to go, it's time for church. Talk to you later?

- Definitely. " I hung up my Phone and it started beeping again. Twitter this time. Everytime one of them tweets, I get a textmessage.

"- Acting all crazy with @ChloeNMaslow and @AustinMahone. Kids ;)" Seeing the tweet, I went immediately back to the rest.

"- James, why did you put this picture on twitter without my permission?" I asked friendly.

"- You know, for the fans.

- Oh. I get it. But next time ask okay. You know how much hate I get only for being your sister.

- Okay." I gave him a weak smile. I was still happy after all.

On Tour With BTR & Austin MahoneWhere stories live. Discover now