Chapter 20

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* Chloe's P.O.V.*

Thankfully we got out of the hotel without anyone recognizing us. A car was driven in front and we immediately got in. We took our hoodies and sunglasses of and I could see Austin's eye getting bluer.

"- Oh no, Austin, your eye.This is all my fault." I was about to cry again.

"- No, babe, it wasn't. This was Logan's fault. He shouldn't have done what he did to you.

- But still... Maybe I gave him signals or something, but please believe me, I didn't mean too. I like you, not Logan.

- I know. I like you too and I don't think that you gave him signals. I can't imagine why he would do something like that. Come on, don't cry." He whiped with his tumb the tear away that was rolling down my cheak. He took his hand in mine and we were facing each other.

"- Listen to me. None of this is your fault. Logan is responsible for all of this. You aren't. Understood?"

I nodded. He whiped the other tear away before he kissed me softly on my lips. It made me feel comfortable and I could relax a little. His lips were so soft. We parted and for the first time today I smiled again.

"- That's better. I love seeing your beautiful smile."

My smile got wider before I kissed him this time. When we parted, we just sat there holding eachothers hands and looking in each others eyes. If it was just him and me and not this driver, I would kiss him really passionately, just to thank him for what he does for me everyday. He makes me feel comfortable, he makes me feel pretty, he makes me feel like I'm the only one for him on this planet. I wanted to stare into his beautiful eyes a little longer, but the driver said that we had just arrived at the hospital. That's where I realised that my wrist hurted really badly.

Because Austin's famous, and my brother is too, we can go via a back entrance straight to the doctor, so that in no case paparazzi or fangirls see us. But I feel kind of bad though... what if someone really sick needs a doctor and I'm just there with my blue wrist? I didn't have much time to think, cause the driver leaded us in, where a doctor was already waiting for us.

"- Hello. We were expecting you. Tell me what the emergency is.

- You go first." I said to Austin.

"- Okay. Well... this is the problem." He took his hoodie and sunglasses off, so the doctor could see his eye.

"- That's a pretty bad one. How did that happen?

- A little argument that got out of hand.

- Litteraly than. Let me watch." The doctor looked at Austin's eye and slightly pressed on it.

"- Does that hurt?

- A little.

- Okay. Please try opening your eye for me." Austin tried and his eye opened a little, but he couldn't it open fully. I feel bad.

"- Hmmm. I'm going to give you a special creme. Apply it before you go to bed and in a week it should be gone. When is your next show?

- In three days.

- I see. Well, normally it won't be this blue anymore, more like purple, before it'll turn yellow. With some make-up I think you can easily hide it than.

- Okay.

- And what about you young lady? How can I be at your service?" I lifted my sleeve up to show my bruised wrist.

"- That looks pretty bad. Follow me please, I'm going to take a scan of that." We followed him into a room where I had to lay my arm on a little table. Austin and the doctor stood behind glass, to avoid the radiation of the scan.

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