Chapter 26

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* A couple months later *

* Chloe's P.O.V *

It's a week before Christmas, so a week and a day before my birthday. Thanks to my brother, everybody knows it will be my birthday than and that's exactly what I didn't want. I'm not used to the fact that people are celebrating mine. I always got my presents already on Christmas day and all I got on my birthday was a 'happy birthday' wish, nothing more. Except from James. He always buys me a cupcake with a little candle on.

We are in Japan now, but tonight we're leaving for Australia, where we will stay till January 3rd. They have planned several concerts and on my birthday there is one too. It sucks, I know, especially cause I'm turning 16. Only on the holidays there are no concerts, which I understand, there wouldn't be many people coming. One good thing is that we'll celebrate Christmas and New Year's in summer. I've always wanted to know what that's like and now I will.

Thankfully, everything's going great. Austin and I are still an item and on my birthday we will be dating for 3 months. I never thought I'd be able to keep it this long. But on the other hand, I really like him. These past months made me so happy, he makes me feel so special... In case you're wondering, we haven't done 'it' yet, since my brother is always watching us. I mean, I'm not going to say that I want to do it every second of the day, but I'm ready in case Austin would make a move to take our relationship to the next level.

Speaking of relationships: mine and my brother's has gotten closer too, since that thing with our parents. I haven't spoken to them since, but James has. I don't blame him, he has always been the favorite child. He loves them and they love him.

Someone else who loves James, to change the subject again, is Sylvia. They've been together for about two months now and they look so cute together. I think they are doing pretty well, at least they look happy. I thought Halston made James happy, but it looks like Sylvia is making him even more happy. I'm happy for both of them, they deserve eachother.

"- What are you thinking of?" I heard a voice asking me. I realised that I had been staring out of the window of my hotel bedroom the whole time. I felt two arms wrap around my body and a head being laid on my shoulder.

"- Nothing, I was just thinking about how my life changed since tour. In a good way."

Austin kissed my cheak gently. I turned around and our lips met. I think I'm addicted to the soft touch they give everytime our lips lock. He placed his hands behind my back, pulling me in closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss even more. It turned out into a huge make out session. Somehow I was clumsy again and we both fell on the bed, Austin on top of me. We were both laughing, cause this was so stupid it became funny.

"- Did I hurt you?" He asked worried but yet still laughing.

"- No, the bed broke our fall."

We both laughed even more. He looked up in my eyes before kissing me again. He was still lying on top of me, but I didn't mind. He was kissing me so gently that I didn't notice the weight of his body leaning against mine. Our make out session from before we fell, just continued and I felt everything heating up. Inside and outside. I kind of liked this. His arms were still behind my back and I felt them pulling me closer against his body. I wrapped one arm around his neck again and the other one on his back, just because it laid more comfortable. After a couple minutes Austin broke the kiss and started to place soft kisses in my neck. Damn, that felt nice, I got shivers all around my body, but good shivers. The way he kissed just pleased me, he can do this all day if he wants too. He made his way back up, kissing all the way to my cheekbone, which clearly is my sensitive spot. It brought me shivers again and I just smiled. It made me moan softly, which Austin noticed, cause he kept kissing on that specific spot. Eventually he made it back to my lips, all I wanted was for him to go on. His hand was moving, from the side, more to the top, I knew where they were going. Two months ago, this was a total no-go, but now, I really don't mind. I could feel Austin was hesitating, if he should grab them or not.

"- Do it." I softly whispered in his ear.

"- You sure?

- 100 percent." He started kissing me again while his hand made it up to my boob. He squeezed it a bit, which surprisingly pleased me. If only...

"- Keep'em in ya pants, bro!" ... my brother wouldn't come in. Somehow I expected this. Austin immediately jumped of me with his hands in the air.

"- Privacy is a nice thing!" I shouted back.

"- Last time I checked this was my room too." James smirked. Damn, he was right.

"- You could have at least knocked.

- Like I said, this is my room too. I don't need to knock if I don't want do.

- What would you have done if I was changing myself?" And his smirk was gone.

"- Come on James, I'm not 5 years old anymore. I'm turning 16 in a week and a day.

- To me you still are 5!

- Don't worry, I keep condoms in my bag." I whispered in his ear before leaving the room. I love playing with him.

"- What did you just say?

- You heard me." I took a run for it with Austin following me right behind.

"- I'll get you!!" James ran after me and Austin till we reached the lounge where everyone else was. Since none of us wanted to explain, especially with Michele in the room, we decided to keep our mouth's shut about what just happened.


Yes! I finally updated this story again! I'm proud of myself :p Sorry I haven't updated in a while but the past weeks I've been so busy with the schoolplay that I had no time to write, or barely. I hope you guys don't mind. I'll try to update again as soon as possible. Alright, love you all <3

xoxo Chloë

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