Chapter Fifty-One

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The agents witheld all information from me and I did the same to them.  I couldn't trust the agents because to be honest, I'm not sure who they are working for.

Once they realized I was almost healed, I was sent to another interrogation room. We passed several cells on the way to the new location, and I was horrified to see prisoners being held just like I was when in the hands of my previous capture.

Part of me worried I would also end up in one of those rooms.  Everyone was treating me like an enemy now and not a victim.  I guess my attitude wasn't helping anything.

"Give me your wrists."  The agent commands as he removes one handcuff so he can connect me to the table.  I was forced to sit or injure my wrists. 

It's peculiar what injuries healed themselves while others were left in tact.  Most of my significant injuries, somehow healed while the ones on my wrists and bruises covering my body stayed.  I've never healed like this before.  I mean I have an enhanced healing factor that sometimes worked but I usually couldn't rely on it saving me.

"We're going to try this one more time."  The commanding officer takes the seat across from mine.  "If you do not cooperate, you'll end up like one of the other prisoners.  I don't care if you're a kid.  We need answers."

"I want to speak to SHIELD."  My time was running out and I need to get out of here before they get ahold of my file. 

"Do you work for SHIELD?"  The man asks as he leans forward.  I instinctively tense up and realize I'm giving too much away by my body language.  "Give us answers, and I'll call up the traitors myself."

"They're not traitors."  I snap.  They were the ones who were saving the world not the CIA who operated out of black sights where anything goes.  I considered my options as of right now.  I don't have enough time to keep messing around with these people.

"Are you going to tell us everything or are we going to have to resort to other methods to get the information out of you?"  

"My name is Serenity Vera Romanov.  I am fifteen years old and I was taken from the streets of Queens.  I'm a mutant and the Avengers have been giving me sanctuary."  The words spilled from my mouth as I remembered what HYDRA had done to me and what the CIA would do if I didn't cooperate.

"What about the HYDRA compound?"  The man didn't seem fazed by my admission of who I was.

"All I know is they kidnapped me and brought me to that location.  I was.... they took advantage of me and tortured me because they could."  I reply as I hear someone else come through the door.  I couldn't see the person but the interrogator could.

"Why did they want you?"  The man asks and I shake my head.  I wouldn't tell them about my past as a HYDRA operative.  They wouldn't let me go if they knew the truth.  

The moment I clammed up again, someone forced my face against the table.  A large needle goes into my shoulder.  Fire floods my body as my heart beat increases dangerously.  I had no way of getting out of here but my flight or fight response was threatening to kill me.

"We're going to try this again."  The man pulls out a recording device and sets it on the table.  "You're going to tell us everything or we give you another dose."


They throw me into another cell when they were done.  My battered body hits the cold metal floor and more pain shoots through my body.  I managed to resist the effects of their 'truth' serum so they resulted to torture.  

I wanted the pain to end.  I don't care if the agents call SHIELD or not anymore.  I'm too broken to be put together again.  Even Bucky won't be able to love me enough to love me back to life.

"We're abusing kids now?"  An agent asks as he passes my cell.  "I thought we at least drew the line somewhere."

"They're letting us give her medical treatment, aren't they?"  The second voice sounded much older and seemed to have no conscious about hurting kids.  "Move."  I couldn't gather enough energy to do as I was told.

"She's clearly not able to."  The other agent comes into the room and kneels next to me.  "We're here to help."  He whispers in my language.  I barely manage to nod before he gently picks me up in his arms.

He carries me to the bed in the room and lays me down gently.

They got to work stitching up the cuts the interrogator caused.  I didn't respond to many of their methods so they just decided to slice open my skin until I finally broke.  

"No pain medications."  The older agent commands before the kind one could help me.  "She brought this on herself." 

"I'm sorry."  He whispers.


"Why is she covered in cuts?"  I heard Ryan's voice and I was pulled to the conscious world.  I opened my eyes and wanted to start crying when I saw my guardian angel.

"We found her like that."  The agent counters as they open up my cell.  Ryan kneels next to me and pushes a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"My little fighter."  He whispers before standing up again.  "SHIELD is taking custody of Serenity."  He picks me up in his arms and I lean my head tiredly against his shoulder.  "This was a SHIELD case to begin with.  The CIA had no right getting involved."

"You of all people should know, Ryan, that we will do anything to protect our country.  They will come for her when it comes out that the Avengers are protecting a murder.  The public won't let her live."  It was a very real threat.

"We'll protect her."   

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