Chapter Seventy-Three

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Jason slept peacefully on the sofa as I made my way out of the room.  My parents and Jason's dad were talking outside, probably for fear of freaking me out.   I'd caught a few snippets of their conversation and it seems that the men who tried to take me were apart of a large terrorist faction that had sprung up around the world.  Which means, I probably won't be safe for much longer.

For the most part, I can't recall the events of that night.  The last thing I remember is my parents calling me to tell me what had happened.  The rest of it just seems to be gone, much to the surprise of everyone.

"Serenity?"  Ryan stood in the kitchen holding a steaming cup of coffee.  He looked worn out and the gash on his head looked horrible.  

It seems the more I heal people, the stronger the urge gets to take away another person's pain.

"Dad didn't want you out of bed."  He comes over and puts his hands gently on my shoulder.  I watch as he studies me, almost as if he's looking for a sign of weakness.  I glance away, hoping to hide my discomfort.  "What's wrong?"  The concern leaks into his words as he turns my head so I'm looking at him.

"You were hurt because of me."  I whisper as a few tears slip down my cheeks.  "They could have killed you and Jason..." 

He pulls me to his chest as he envelops me in a comforting hug.  His strength makes me feel safe as I muffle my sobs in his shirt.  I feel him stroke my hair gently as he tells me to let it all out.

"Let's get you back to bed."  Ryan whispers as he scoops me up in his arms.  I wrap my arms around his neck as exhaustion takes over.  I lean my head against his shoulder as my eyes start to drift closed.

He tries to tuck me in but I refuse to let go.  He sighs and sits next to me.

"Keep me safe, please."  I beg as worry makes it hard to completely drift off.

"Of course."  He agrees as I fully close my eyes and drift off.


I hesitate in the doorway as I prepare myself for what I was about to see.  Bucky had finally decided to take me to see Dima before all of us are flown to the Avenger's compound.  Safety was everyone's number one concern now.  The plan was to take Dima, Jason, Ryan, Luke and I there in order to keep my location a secret.  It turns out that my English teacher did leak my location online and there was no way of knowing who was going to come after me now.

"Do you want me to come in there with you?"  Jason asks as he takes my hand in his.  I feel him offer me a reassuring squeeze as I nod numbly.

Dima was sleeping on the large dog bed in the office.  His chest was bandaged tightly where the bullet had entered his body.  It seems that I only healed the entry wound and not the exit wound.  

"Dima..." I whisper, hoping he would open his eyes and give me some sign he was okay.  He doesn't stir in his sleep which only makes me worry more.

I start stroking his fur as I feel tears slip down my cheeks.  I never wanted this to happen to him, let alone to anyone I cared about.  The warmth from my healing abilities start to spread towards my finger tips.  

I find it amazing how after so many years of disuse, I would suddenly find the need to use it several times in a couple weeks.  I know the cost but as I stare at my dog, I realize that the cost doesn't matter.  I understand why I'm in pain, but Dima will never understand why this had to happen to him.

"You can't heal him."  Jason grabs my wrist before I can actually act on the impulse.  "You're barely strong enough."

"I know my limits, Jason."  I respond as I yank away from his grasp.  I lay both hands on Dima's body and channel the energy required to complete the job I must have started that night.  

The surge of energy disappears as quickly as it appears.  I'm not like Rapunzel, I can't keep doing this forever.  My powers are limited by my own strength.

"Serenity, he's better."  Jason breaks through to me and prompts me to stop before I blacked out again.

Dima lifts his head and yips joyfully when he sees me.  I smile as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Is he awake?"  Bucky sticks his head in the doorway and is surprised when he sees Dima wide awake.  "She healed him, didn't she?"  He inquires worriedly.

"What do you think?"  Jason replies as he shakes his head disapprovingly. 

"Figures."  He grumbles before coming over.  "We need to leave soon.  Nat's waiting with the quinjet just outside town.  I move away from my dog as Jason offers me a hand up.

I willingly take it but he has to steady me when a dizzy spell takes over.

"I've got her."  Bucky scoops me up in his arms as Dima gets up to follow.  "Just rest."  He whispers to me as I let my father take care of me.  He must have realized that I needed to sleep off the healing episode.  I hear him whispering to me in Russian but my brain goes all foggy in an effort to reserve energy.

"Will she be okay?"  Jason's fingers brush against my arm as they continue to walk. 

"Of course.  I've gotten her through worse."

"That's not what I meant.  I know she's been hurt in the past, but I care about who she is now.  I don't want us to lose her." 

He's worried about me changing and not being the loving person I am today.  I love him with all my heart and I would do anything to protect the people I care about.  I think he's worried I'll become the monster that HYDRA had created, that the training will kick in and they won't be able to get through to me.

Bucky Barnes' DaughterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant