Chapter Fifty-Eight

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The doorbell rings downstairs signalling my date has arrived to pick me up for the dance.  I stare nervously at my reflection, wondering if going was the right thing to do.  I care deeply about Jason but did I want to drag him into the mess that is my life?  Honestly, I should have asked myself this sooner before we fell for each other but I didn't think anyone could ever love me.

"Are you coming down?"  Natasha stands in the doorway studying me.  Nervous energy radiated from my body as I attempted to make it seem like I was just fixing my dress.  "Serenity, you look beautiful.  You don't have to keep worrying."

I nod before following her downstairs.  There was no need to explain why I was so anxious right now.

Bucky was armed with a camera and made sure to document the moment.  I blush but everything else falls away when I seen Jason watching me.  You know all the movies where the guy looks at the girl like there's nothing else in the world but her?  Well, that's how he was looking at me right now.  Like I was the most perfect thing in the entire world and he was so lucky to have me.

"You are so beautiful."  He whispers as he takes my hands in his when I finally reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Thank you."  I whisper back as he pulls me into his arms.  He kisses me gently on my forehead before allowing my parents to take more pictures of us.

I focused only on Jason as the camera documents everything.  He produces a corsage and gently slips it on my wrist.  The flowers were a light blue just like my dress making me wonder if Nat helped him plan this.

"My tsarina."  He kisses the top of my hand before turning to my parents.  "Do you need more pictures?"  He asks as he glances at the clock on the wall.

"I think he has plenty."  I joke before pulling my date towards the door.  "I'll be back before midnight. " I promise before we race towards his truck.  

My anxiety washes away as I allow myself to enjoy tonight.  Jason's my boyfriend now and soon the whole world will know who I am.  It's almost as if everything is falling in place for me.


The track team had reserved a table towards the front for the team.  I took my spot between Jason and Luke.  Several of the guys in our high school keep eyeing me as I hang on Jason's arm. No one seemed to notice me before tonight but now I was the center of everyone's attention.

"So you two are officially an item?" Evelynn asks after the boys leave to grab punch.

"As of a week ago, yes."  I reply nervously.  I didn't like people asking about my relationship and that's all they can seem to do tonight. 

"He's probably just pitying her."  The voice was one that brought back bad memories.  "No one wants damaged goods especially ones that can't speak very good english."  I feel someone attempt to grab my butt.

"Touch her again and you'll wish you hadn't. " Luke appears next to me.  I knew from Ryan that he was taking self defense classes with Yuri at least four times a week now.  Jason grabs my hand and pulls me out of the way.

"Dude, why do you keep coming to her defense?"  Peter seems annoyed by Luke's protectiveness of me.  "Like I said, she's damaged property."

"I'm not someone's property, asshole."  I reply not wanting to remain silent anymore.  I wasn't some doll that could be bought and sold.  "Next time you touch me, I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget.  I don't need guys to protect me."

Peter studies me closely before ducking away.  I knew this wouldn't be the last time he's tried to have his way with me.  I'll prepared next time he tries anything.

"Let's get you on the dance floor."  Jason pulls me towards the crowd as a slow song comes on.

I let Jason distract me as the music plays softly in the background.  He pulls me close and I lean my head against his shoulder.  A few people smile at our display of affection while others seemed bothered by us.

"Jason, why do people hate me so much?"  I ask quietly so that he can only hear.

"No one understands you."  He whispers back before kissing the top of my head.  "They don't need to understand you though.  All that matters is who you want to be.  They don't matter, none of this matters."

"I always thought all of this would matter.  I mean people say this is what matters.  High school, I mean.  It defines who we become."  

"Trust me, high school is only four years of our lives.  It won't matter the second we graduate.  All that matters is what you do once you're out of this place."


"How did it go?"  Nat asks when I finally come home.  It was a few minutes after midnight but my parents didn't seem to mind the fact I missed curfew.

"It was great."  I assure them as I take off my heels.  Dima comes running and rubs his head against me as if I'd been gone for days not a few hours.  "I missed you too."  I tell him as I bury my head in his fur.

"Did something happen?"  Bucky knew there was something I wasn't telling them.

"Nothing."  I reply quietly before heading towards the staircase.  "Training in the morning right?"  I ask knowing Yuri wanted to train me several days a week not every once in a while.

"Yes, Jason and Luke will be joining you.  Yuri feels like they have something to learn from you."  Nat informs me.

"I'm not sure I have anything I can teach them, but it'll be nice to have other people to practice with."  I head upstairs as Dima trails behind me.  All I wanted to do was slip into bed and forget the looks people were giving me and the conversation with Peter.  Spending time with Jason was great but there would always be something that would ruin a good memory I had with anyone.

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