Chapter Twenty-Six

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Nat and Bucky left me alone to discuss what was going to happen next.  In that time I spent alone, I finally realized I killed their other child.  I mean, my brother was going to kill me if I didn't stop him but that didn't mean it was okay for siblings to slaughter each other.  Guilt gnawed at my insides as I started to process everything.

"How are you feeling kid?"  Steve appears in the doorway and smiles at me.

"I'm okay."  I reply as he comes in and sits in the seat next to my bed.  I adjust my position.  "Did you hear the news?"  I ask and he nods.  "And?"

"Nat will be a great mother, but you'll have to give her time.  Same goes for Bucky.  They both weren't ready to have a child."  Dima comes bounding through the door and over to my bed.  He starts giving me kisses and I giggle before telling him to lay down.  He decides that that's the go ahead to get in bed with me.

"I know they'll need time.  Bucky always feels guilty about everything that happened.  I never blamed him.  Not once did I think it was Bucky's fault.  He didn't want to cause me pain but they made him hurt me."  I take a deep breath.

"I know Natasha thought she would never have kids but now she has a fourteen year old daughter.  She missed all the good years; my first steps, my first word... How are we going to fix this messed up family?"  I ask Steve as tears threaten to spill down my cheeks.

"Your family isn't completely messed up."  He offers an encouraging smile.  "You will all work through this."

"Work through what?"  My parents asked from the doorway.  


Clint eventually made the decision for us when it came to what happens next.  He knew Bucky's family had a farm house that Bucky owns.  He made the plans to send Nat, Bucky and I there.  It was the perfect plan and I knew it would give us all time to discover what it means to be a family.  I wanted to ask if Bucky would start dating Natasha again but I thought it was little too soon to bring this up.

So, now I'm packing everthing into a suitcase.  Dima whines from his place on my bed and I occasionally stop packing to pet my dog.  I knew he was worried about me but I was more worried about him right now. 

I finished packing around midnight so I finally crawl into bed with my guardian.  He curls up against me and I fall asleep against his fur.

A few hours later, Bucky comes in to wake me up.  Dima offers a warning growl but when he discovers it's Bucky, he falls silent.  Bucky gently wakes me up, knowing I was still healing.

"Are you all packed?"  I nod.  "Meet us in the conference room once you're dressed."  

I managed to slide out of bed and throw on the outfit I picked out last night.  I do a final sweep of my room before shoving my pj's in my suitcase.

"Come, Dima."  My dog bounds after me as I limp towards the conference room.  Everyone was waiting for me inside and for a moment, I wondered what it would be like being away from everyone.  

"We thought you needed a going away party."  Bucky tells me and I was thankful for the family I had been welcomed into.  Who knew that running away could mean that I had a good life and wouldn't have to suffer any more.


The party was more of a brunch but the food was fantastic and the company was even better.  After about an hour,  I hugged everyone goodbye.  I didn't want to leave right now but it was time to go start the new chapter of my life with my parents.

I went back to my room to grab my suitcase but someone had already beaten me to it.  I was thankful because, honestly, I was having a hard time walking.  They left my backpack so I slip it on.

It was about a six hour drive to Bucky's farmhouse and I was kind of looking forward to the drive.  Dima wouldn't be too happy but he would be excited to see the large yard he would get to run in.

As we drove away from the compound, I turned around to wave goodbye.

"What's the plan?"  I ask as Dima whines behind me.  He had taken up the back seat and looked a little annoyed at the traveling arrangements.

"I say we get to know each other."  Bucky glances in the rear view mirror and smiles.  I flash one of my smiles and he laughs.

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