Personal Update!!!

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Hello my beautiful readers!  It's been too long since I've actually been diligent in producing new chapters and I apologize for that, but if I'm to be honest, I feel have a very valid excuse for this absence.  As of right now and for the past two months, I have been studying Russian in Moscow!  Yes, you read that right, I am in Moscow.  Dream come true if you're wondering.

I've entered my senior year of university (which is chaotic all on it's own!) and needed to study abroad in order to graduate.  So that being said, I decided to go across the world to study in one of the cities I've dreamed about for a very long time.

There's no internet connection at my dorm and honestly, I've had no time to actually write while I've been here.  I have class for 18 hours a week and I'm always out exploring trying to make the most of my time here.  

I watched several of the Fifa World Cup Games while it was going on.  Never actually at the stadium but at a couple bars with friends and then the Fifa Fan Zone in Moscow.  I'm disappointed Croatia lost :-(  Oh well.  I've also visited St. Petersburg and the Winter Palace.  I've been obsessed with Anastasia since third grade and it felt like almost a pilgrimage to her family home and tomb.  I'll admit I cried several times while visiting her grave (I did so twice) and I was disappointed that the Winter Palace didn't have more information about the last tsar and his children.  

With that being said, I hope you'll forgive me for not updating more often.  I swear I haven't forgotten about all of you and I hope to start writing again when I return to America.  I'll be here until the end of November so please don't expect too many updates between now and then. 

I would love to do a q&a session with all of you and answer any questions you have about me, Russia, or my writing (I guess ;-)).  If you're interested, please comment with your questions, and I'll answer them in another update. 

Sending my love from Russia!

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