Chapter Thirty-Four

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Dima whined at my door as the sun started to peek through my window.  Today is my first day of school, and I couldn't be more nervous.  Dima had to lay on my bed and curl up next to me before I could fall asleep.  Nightmares haunted my sleep when I did manage to relax enough, causing me to be up most of the night.

I shouldn't be this nervous attending school with my friends.  I should be ready for this but part of me is worried that HYDRA will find me and kill all my friends.  I can never be sure when they are going to show up.

"Are you up yet?"  Bucky appears in the doorway and Dima pushes past him.

"What if they don't like me?"  I ask and he smiles sadly before sitting next to me on my bed.

"You've already been making friends.  Today won't be much different.  Remember to keep you chin up and be proud of how far you've come."  I nod knowing he meant it.  He puts an arm around my shoulder and kisses my forehead.  "You'll be okay, tsarina."

"Now you're calling me that?!"  He laughs before leaving the room.  I quickly grab a blouse and my new jeans before running to the bathroom to shower. 

The warm water did it's job and woke me up.  Cold showers used to be what comforted me but now I like having the warmth surround me.  It almost makes it seem like my brother is still around.  It's so lonely in my head without him there.  My strength is gone now that he's dead.

I shake my head trying to forget about my past.  Today is about moving on and forging a new life for myself with my new family. 

I finished getting ready, then I dashed downstairs to quickly grab something to eat before Jason picked me up in his truck.  I heard him honk his horn just as my bagel came out of the toaster.  I quickly put on some cream cheese before grabbing my boots.

"Have fun!"  Nat calls as I race down our driveway.  I hadn't even put on my shoes yet as I get into the passenger seat.

"Running late?"  Jason teases as I put the bagel in my mouth and start putting on my boots.  

"Just a little."  I finally reply as I take a bite of my bagel.  He starts driving towards school and I nervously eat my breakfast.  "So what happens when I get to school?"

"I'll show you to where they hand out our schedules and then I'll show you around."


English Second Hour:

I glanced down at my schedule nervously before entering the classroom.  Most of the students had already taken their seats so everyone glanced my way as the door closed behind me.  My teacher didn't look happy to see me.

"You must be the Russian."  He snatches my schedule out of my hand and studies it.  "Serenity Romanov."  The words sounded like acid and I fight the urge to cry.  "Do you now know how to speak English?"

"I speak a little English."  I tell him and he shakes his head before handing me back my schedule. 

"You are to speak only English in this room.  If I hear a word of your filthy language, you will have detention.  Understand?"  He spoke so quickly it was hard to understand what he was saying.  But he made sure to say the last word as slowly as possible.  A few of my classmates snicker.

"Yes, sir."  I reply as my voice shakes.  He points to a chair in the very back of the classroom.  As I walked to the back of the classroom, I felt like I was walking to my execution.


World History Third Hour:

My English teacher already hates me and as the bell rings, I couldn't wait to get out of there.  I quickly fled to the bathroom where I hid in a stall.  Tears fell down my cheeks in two steady streams and I let out all my emotions. 

It didn't seem fair that he hated me because I was Russian.  The cold war ended 25 years ago, so why does he act like it's still going on?  I know he's older so he remembers what it was like growing up during those times but did that give him the right to hate me?

"Serenity?"  Evelynn's voice broke through to me as she knocked on my stall.  I quickly wipe away the tears before opening the door.  I quickly move to the sink where I wash away all the tears.  "Are you okay?"

"Yes."  I reply trying to hide my accent.

"Don't let him get to you."  Evelynn puts a hand on my shoulder.  "He just hates all foreigners.  He thinks everyone should go back to their own countries."

"I couldn't go back even if I wanted to."  I reply bitterly as I leave the bathroom.  Evelynn trails after me.  "Where is Room 143?"  She leads me to the correct classroom and leaves me so she can make it to French on time.

"You must be Serenity."  A middle aged man greets me before I could even enter the classroom.  "Меня зобут Tyler.  Моя фамилия Johnson."  I sighed in relief when he spoke Russian to me.

""Здравствуйте." I reply as he leads me into the classroom. Posters covered all the walls and I recognized a bunch of Soviet Era newspapers covering the walls.  One in particular catches my eye. I walk over to inspect it and Mr. Johnson follows me.

Bucky pulled at my arm as he dragged me through the streets.  Everyone was talking but he wouldn't let me slow down to listen.  I caught a few words every now and then as he walks quickly through the slush. 

My short legs had a hard time keeping up with his long strides and that only seemed to anger him further.

"Soviet Troops out of Afghanistan!"  A man heralds the news as we pass.  I pull out of Winter's grasp and I run towards the man.  "You're seeing history unfold, little one."  He tells me.

Winter grabbed me by the scruff of my coat this time.  He forces me to keep up with him and I didn't protest when he pulled me into a dark alley.  We pass several drunk people before we stop at a red door.  

Winter knocks five times in a unique pattern.  We wait for the person to answer.

A 25 year old man opens the door.  He has one green eye and one blue one.  His eyes study Winter before glancing towards me.

"Official business?"  He asks and Winter nods. "Bring her inside."  The man opens the door and I pulled inside.  "How old is she?"  

"Thirteen."  Winter shoves me forward and I stumble.  I manage to catch myself before I hit the ground.  "Wipe everything before today but after he ninth birthday."  Winter gives the order and turns to leave.

The man takes my coat from me before leading me to a back room.  I was scared but I didn't fight him when he told me to get on the cold metal table.  I obeyed his every command and I didn't flinch when he strapped me down.

"This is not going to be pleasant."  He assures me as he grabs a large syringe.  I start to struggle against the restraints.  But it was no use.  He turned my head to the side and pushed the large needle into my neck. 

Acid flooded my body in a single wave.  I felt the world start spinning as the man puts on hand on each side of my head.   Everything went black.

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