Chapter Twenty-Seven

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We spent the entire car ride asking and answering questions.  Nat spent much of the time trying to catch up on my childhood since Bucky already knew all the gritty details that I didn't like to talk about.

"Who was the first person you killed?"  Nat asks and I turn towards the window as tears threaten to spill down my cheeks.  "I know how hard it can be to talk about the people you have killed but you need to talk about it."

"He was a German scientist.  He was kind to me, so they forced me to put my gun to his temple and pull the trigger.  He had a wife and three kids back in Germany.  I was eight."  

"What is a mitochondria?"  I ask Dr. Schminkey as he shows me a few more slides and lists off the organs within a cell.

"It's the powerhouse of the cell."  He explains.  We both turn towards the door when we hear the angry footsteps coming our way.  He puts a hand on my shoulder protectively as if he could stop what was about to happen.

Lev, Belikov and several Red Room soldiers came into the room.  I step away from my friend and I face the people who are clearly here for me.

"Вера...Vera..."  I flinch at the name.  It wasn't my name but the girl name Serenity doesn't translate into Russian as well so the Red Room renamed me when I was about seven.  I'm not even sure who called me Serenity but it doesn't matter.  I guess Vera could be my middle name if I was from the west.

"Step forward."  I obediently comply with Belikov's commands.  "You are going to kill, Dr. Schminkey."  He forces a cold gun into my hand.  I glance back at my friend before shaking my head no.  I wouldn't kill him for being kind to me.  "It's either the doctor or your brother.  Only one of them will walk out of here."

I swallow the tears that would show them my weakness and I turn towards the doctor.  He was already kneeling down so he was at my level.  His eyes showed forgiveness for what was about to happen.

"Do not blame yourself."  He tells me as I turn back to face Belikov.

"У него есть семья... жена и три дочери.  He has a family...a wife and three daughters."  I protest but Belikov wouldn't give up on this.  "I'm sorry."  I whisper as I turn to face him again.

I put the gun to his temple and I pull the trigger.

"Serenity?"  Nat touches my knee gently and I come back to the present.  "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."  I assure her. "Would SHIELD be able to find his family?  I want to tell the wife how sorry I am.  I didn't want to kill him."  

"I'll see what I can do."  She promises as we exit the highway and towards a small sleepy town.  I leaned towards the window to watch the small stores fly past.  I've always wanted to see a town like this.

We left the small town but we were at the farmhouse after ten minutes of driving.  I was impressed by the size of the property.  The farmhouse was an older one that's been recently fixed up.  There's a barn to the left and a large oak to the right of the farmhouse that had a swing.


"I'm going for a run." I tell my parents as I head for the back door.  I assumed I was old enough to know how to get back home without them having to follow me.  "I'll be back before dinner."  I assured Nat as she worriedly glances my way.  She was already taking this mother thing very seriously.

"Be careful, and take Dima."  Bucky calls after me knowing I was capable of taking care of myself.  Nat hasn't been around me most of my life but Bucky has so he doesn't' seem to worry about the same things.

I decided to run along the edge of the property and explore everything before Dima did.  We followed the fence line to the east of the house.

I didn't notice the boy sitting on the fence until Dima almost tripped me trying to keep me away from the stranger.  He didn't attack, not without the command.  We thought it would be safer that way.  But just to be sure, I gave Dima the heel command.

"Nice bear."  He was around my age and I smiled at him as I put a hand reassuringly on Dima's back.

"He's a Caucasian Shepard dog, not a bear."  I reply with a smile.

"What language did you use on him?  That wasn't English."

"Russian."  The boy jumps off the fence and I give Dima another stern command.  "I wouldn't come closer, he's bred to protect me."  The boy stops in his tracks. 

"Why do you need such a big dog?  It's not that dangerous here."  He studied me carefully as if he already knew my response.   "I guess you don't have to tell me."  He quickly adds before taking his spot back on the fence.

"You haven't introduced yourself yet." I make Dima lay down so I can sit on the fence next to the stranger.

"I'm Jason.  I live in the house next door."  He motions behind us.

"Меня зовут Serenity."  I reply with a smile.  He returns with one of his own and my heart flutters a little bit. I didn't understand the feeling but I liked it. 

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