Chapter One

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To everyone out in the crisp fall air, the girl would look almost normal.  Her short dark hair blew in the wind and every few minutes or so she would brush back a stray strand so it was behind her ears.  She had a determined aura about her as she walked swiftly through the busy streets of St. Petersburg.

To anyone paying close attention to the girl, they wouldn't notice the man close behind her.  Her face portrayed no fear and his was one of a hunt.  She was his prey and to the experienced girl, she knew the dangerous situation that the man had put her in.

To the girl, the situation was dangerous but at the same time she was used to the game.  She ducks into a busy store and disappears among the crowd.  It wouldn't be enough time to get away but it was enough time to get a small head start from the man.

People milled around her.  They mostly spoke Russian but a few conversations were in languages that were familiar to her trained ears.  

A side door leads to a dark damp alley way.  She was trapped for sure.

The man ducked out into the alley and looked both ways.  It wasn't like her to be able to slip through his fingers.  The ground was damp and his ears heard someone running down the alley probably to what she assumed was safety.  She had never been so wrong.  His feet connect with the ground in an almost silent manner.  He was so close to having her.

The girl caught the eye of a woman with red hair.  She watches as the girl quickly blends into the crowd but her distinctive hair allowed the trained assassin to watch from a distance.  Another man ran out of the alley close behind.

He was familiar and the woman knew that the girl was in trouble.  In no time, she follows the pair through the streets.


My heart beat rang in my ears as I tried to quiet my breathing.  I finally lost him but it probably won't be long until they have the rest of them on my trail.  I take this short moment of quiet to check my bag.  I pull out my passport and a wad of cash.  Hopefully, I can bribe my way out of this godforsaken hell hole. 

"Where did she go?" A man's voice asks.  It wasn't one I recognized but I hold my breath trying to keep my location a secret.

"If I didn't know any better...."  A woman's voice replies.  "I would think she's hiding from us."  

"Kid, we don't want to hurt you."  The man's voice calls.  "We can help."  It was a weird thing for a stranger to say but I keep my breathing as quiet as possible but my side starts to ache and I know I don't have much time before he catches up with me.

"No one is going to hurt you."  The third voice was way to familiar.  My heart stops and I try and back into the wall.  There's no where to go.  He'll find me.

"You were hunting her Buck."  The other man's voice says.  "

"She knows things about my past."  Bucky replies and I bite my lip.  My foot manages to find the one pipe that was laying behind me and I slip.  I catch myself but I wasn't quiet enough.  I scramble to my feet but I could feel the pain radiating from my wrist.

"Woah kid.  We're not here to hurt you."  The man shouldered his bow and he puts his hands up.  "I'm Clint."  My eyes scan his face as a red head approaches me.

"Don't come any closer." I keep my injured wrist close but I only need one hand to keep them away from me.  That's when he appears.  He hasn't aged a bit since the last time I saw him.  It's been two years since he bombed the UN.

"Serenity, I promise I will not hurt you."  The Winter Soldier assures me and I back away again.  Fear was written plainly across my body.

"You have no right to call me that." I hiss at him as I back up again.  I trip and I fall landing on my injured wrist again.  I wince but before I can protest, the Winter soldier was kneeling next to me.

"Let me help." He whispers as he takes my injured wrist in his human one.  "I'm Bucky now." His eyes search mine.  I knew this was my Bucky.  The one who tended my wounds after the Winter Soldier caused them.

"You said that last time." I whisper so he can just hear.  His eyes are filled with my same pain.

"It's a promise I intend to keep it this time."  His metal hand gently touches my hand and I visibly wince.  The pain was pretty bad and the cold from his arm brought back bad memories.   "Let us help you." 

"HYDRA....." My voice trails off as I'm transported miles away back into the HYDRA compound.  They just realized I'm gone, well he told them.  "They know."  Bucky puts an arm around my waist and he helps me up.  My knee hurts from the landing but thankfully he doesn't let me put weight on it.

"Let me help."  Clint puts an arm around me and helps Bucky bring me towards the exit to the warehouse.

"How bad's the pain?" Bucky asks and I shrug.  He's done worse to me but I don't want him to feel guilty.  "You're bleeding." He whispers and I see the blood soaking through the bottom of my shirt.

"It's nothing." I reply as the woman calls for a jet into her ear piece.

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