Chapter Thirty

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Second Week in August:

The summer flew by and most of the time, either Bucky or Nat was away on some mission with SHIELD.  They had brought up school again recently and I didn't really have an answer at the time, but now I knew I wanted to attend the local high school with all the friends I had made over the summer.

Jason has been so kind and understanding.  He seems to know that I have a dark past that I don't like to talk about but at the same time and never has he pushed me in an effort to know the truth.  Instead, he waits for me to tell him and for this I am thankful.

I spent all week gathering the courage to ask my parents if I could attend a normal high school.  My english was improving and Jason offered to help me with my homework if I felt like I couldn't keep up.

"Good morning."  I was hoping that practicing in English at home would help me learn English faster. 

"And you're speaking English."  I finally noticed Captain cooking breakfast in our kitchen.  My parents were no where to be found.

"Where's Bucky and Nat?"  I ask confused.  Today was the one day I had gathered up the courage to ask and my parents were MIA.

"They were needed elsewhere."  I guess the hurt showed on my face.  "They will be back before Wednesday, but until then I'm staying with you."

"They usually leave me alone."  I reply bitterly as I sit at the breakfast bar.

"Kid, don't worry about it.  They just thought you needed the company."  He slides a few pancakes on a plate and hands them to me. 

"They think I need supervision."  I mutter in Russian before eating my food.

We eat in silence and I wonder how much russian he actually understands.  I didn't want to risk it so I headed up to my bedroom, hoping I would find a way to get out of here today.  I wanted to be with my friends and away from Captain's watchful gaze.  


Two days passed without me escaping.  It made me thankful when I heard my parent's voices downstairs on Wednesday morning.  They were talking with Captain and some unknown person in English.  I wanted to go downstairs and discover what was going on but I thought it was best to wait for the stranger to leave.

"Serenity, can you come down here please?"  Nat's voice calls and I cringe.  I didn't want to interact with a stranger let alone go downstairs and not tell my parents that I didn't like being babysat.  But I had to go.

I made my way downstairs dreading what was coming but I relaxed when I recognized the man with my parents.  It was Jason's father.  I only knew this because his son looked just like him.

"It's nice to finally put a face to a name."  He tells me as I reluctantly join the adults.  I couldn't find my voice so Bucky puts his hand on my shoulder gently.

"We were just discussing with Robert the possibly of you attending school here."  Natasha tells me and I glance over at Jason's father wondering how much his son told him.  "Would you be interested?"

"Yes, I really want to be normal."  I tell my parents. 

"Things will be difficult in the beginning but once Serenity's English improves, everything will be easier."  Robert assures us. 


"There's a back to school party Friday."  Luke informs me when we finish our run the following morning.  The guys were looking forward to welcoming me into their inner circle when the semester started.  I guess that would include inviting me to parties.

"I'm not a party girl."  I reply slowly.  I didn't want to sound stupid when I had incorrect grammar but talking slowly was making me sound worse.  "I don't party."

"Everyone who's anyone will be there."  Henry argues and I shake my head not understanding.  "You have to come."

"She doesn't have to do anything."  Jason replies and I mouth a thank you before turning my attention back to what Luke had to say.

"You'll want to be there."  Luke was now trying to persuade me.  I could hear it in his tone.

"I guess I can go."  I reluctantly agree.

The boys seemed excited now that I agreed to go to the party.  Luke was a senior so he promised to take me under his wing during the party.  I was the youngest member of the group and it seemed that all of the boys wanted to be my older brother.  Only Jason seemed interested in me romantically but I couldn't even be sure about that.

All I could be sure of was I was going to be attending school in the fall with my friends and I was going to my first party.

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