My Brother's Best Friend

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You walked out into the blinding sun with your brother. It was the middle of September, but unusually hot for the time of year. The walk to school was long and tiring. You couldn't help but drag your feet as you trudged along the gravely pavement.

"Hurry up, (y/n). You don't want to be late."

"Yeah I know, but I'm just tired of going to this dumb place everyday." You said, scrunching your nose in disgust. "Hey, hold up Stevie! I need to fix my stockings." Steve shuffled back to your position and took your books from you, while you bent down and pulled the plaid stockings up to your knees. You took out the band holding your pigtails and started combing your hair with your fingers.

"(Y/n), you do this almost everyday I-"

"Well then Stevie, you should expect this."

"I think you like being late to school."

"Who, moi?" you asked pointing to yourself with a hurt look.

"Yes you. Now will you hurry?" Steve pressed. Not only did he not like being late to school, he also didn't like the particular neighborhood you were in. He had been beat up one too many times on this street. Normally when he walks with you nothing bad happens. Although he is a year older, you are taller than him. Besides, boys can't beat up on girls. The only problem was you tended to wander...

"There." you said giving a satisfied nod to your older brother and smoothing out your skirt. Steve started to hand you your books when you squealed, "There's (f/n)! I have to go ask her about her 'date' last night. Wait for me, okay?" But you had run off before Steve could give you an answer. Steve figured you wouldn't be coming back any time soon, so he started back on the path towards school and would give you your books when he met up with you.  He really wished you would have brought your books with you though, because they were becoming overly weighted for his scrawny arms. However Steve truly didn't mind, he liked helping you out when he could.

While walking, his worries for you took over; I just wish (y/n) would be a little more responsible. She is a bright girl, but is too easily distracted. Plus she gives a little bit of an attitude to her elders and needs to learn some respect. I guess she is young so it doesn't really matt-

"Come on, get him!" His thoughts were interrupted by the shouts of the Watt Brothers. All three boys were heavily bulked and very quick. They were one of the many reasons he had feared going through this neighborhood.

The boys were running at full speed towards Steve, and the only logical decision he could think of was to fight. He dropped all the books on the ground and put his fists up to his face and stood his ground, widening his stance.

"We want your lunch money you little punk. Maybe if you be a good little boy and give it to us, we'll go easy on you." The biggest of the boys remarked with a wicked grin.

"Three against one, it hardly seems fair. But I guess you could use all the help you can get." Steve spat at the larger boys. This remark instantly awarded Steve a blow to the face. He tried to get his own swing in but the boy dodged and kneed Steve in the stomach.

At this time you had left your friend and went to look for Steve. But as you came within distance of him, your heart plunged; You could see that he was in trouble. Big trouble, and it was all your fault. "Stop it!" you shouted, as you sprinted over to Steve and began pounding on one of the Watt's backs. He shoved you to the ground and you landed with grunt.

"Get out of here (y/n)!" Steve wheezed out. The pained look his face possessed sent glassy tears running down your cheeks. You gathered yourself up and ran into town to look for help.

You ran with all your might, images of your helpless brother flashing through your mind. Stevie is getting badly hurt and I left him. Twice. If only I had stayed with him before, like I was told. This all could have been different if I was a better sister to him.

You snapped out of your thoughts when you got to the main part of town.

"Please, sir I need help. My broth--" But you were cut off as he ignored you and walked away. You continued to frantically seek for help from the others scattered across town, but the results were the same. You were just a girl. Men needn't pay any attention to you.

You couldn't stand to wait there any longer, knowing it would do no good. You began running back to where you had left Steve, but ran right into someone as you rounded a building corner. The force took you aback and you landed hard on your bum. The second time you'd done that today.

"Hey, are you okay?" a gentle voice asked you. You looked up into a pair of deep blue eyes. They showed concern as he looked upon your tear stained face and bent down to help you up.

"I-I am now," you stuttered. He let out a small laugh as he swiftly lifted you to your feet.

"What's with all the tears then, little angel?"

"Huh?" You forgot everything as you looked into an ocean of blue. He reached up and touched your face. You flinched at first but then eased into how his soft fingers wiped away your tears. That's when you remembered your tears and why you were crying. And a river started to rupture from your eyes. "My brother, h-he needs help. He is g-getting beat up and its all my f-fault." you balled.

"Where is he?" the boy asked with urgency.

The mystery boy you had encountered ran along side you as you led him to your brother. When you were within earshot you could hear Stevie say "I can do this all day."

"But you don't have to." the boy who you had previously ran into, sprung into action and landed his right hook into the jaw of the eldest Watt brother. He then proceeded to swiftly kick the boy in the gut, causing him to fall to the ground. He lunged at the next boy forcing them both to the ground. He laid into the Watt so many punches, you were sure his nose was broken. The boy got up and threatened to move to the last brother, but the three of them had split.

"Well aren't you a soldier boy." You breathed, very much impressed. You had never seen anyone fight like that, ever.

"Well I do what I can for precious angels like you." He said with a smirk, causing your cheeks to heat up.

The boy bent down and grabbed your brother's hand, helping him up. "Bucky. Bucky Barnes."

"Steve Rogers." your brother offered, silently thanking Bucky.

"I'm so sorry Stevie" you said looking at your shoes. You could barely look at him with his busted lip and swollen eye. You knew the rest of his body would be badly bruised as well and could tell he was walking with a limp.

"Don't worry about it (y/n)." Those guys needed to get taught a lesson anyways. He smiled and you knew that Stevie was just too good of a guy to pass on blame. He was a way better person than you were. He always had been, and you could never find it in your heart to forgive yourself.

Steve started to pick up his disheveled books and you started doing the same. Bucky got down and helped you with yours'. "Don't worry about him, angel. He's a tough one." He gave you a crooked smile and handed you your last book. Your fingers touched and you felt goose bumps rise on your arms. He got up and walked next to Steve, but you were too stunned to move. The feeling that he gave inside of you was like nothing you have ever experienced before.

You were dragged out of your thoughts by Steve's voice, "Come on (y/n)! Now we're really going to be very late for school."

"Coming," you shouted after them, jogging a little to catch up. They were already talking about guy stuff, so you didn't interrupt. You walked slightly behind the two boys and rubbed your bum where you had previously fallen. Both boys looked back at you just that moment and snickered. You stuck your tongue out at the both of them. When they turned around, you smiled; you knew they were going to be great friends.

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