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Y/n P.O.V.

"Hey Batman," I followed George closely down the dark passageway, "are you sure we're going the right way?"

George groaned. "It's not like there's a fork in the passage. We can't get lost in here."

"Besides, it's not like we'd mind getting stuck here with you," Fred said from behind me.

Rolling my eyes, felt along the wall. "I can't believe Gryffindor won the Quidditch match against Slytherin," I attempted to start a conversation.

George chuckled slightly. "Yeah, that first year, Potter, sure is amazing on a broom."

George stopped suddenly, and I bumped into him. The wooden floorboards creaked underneath us. "Dead end. We need to turn back." George groaned.

"GEORGE!" Fred and I both exclaimed.

"I know, I know, but the passage is blocked. It looks like it caved in or something." He defended himself. The floor creaked again, this time sounding close to breaking. Turning around in the narrow passage, George handed me the map.

"Fred is now in front. Pass him the map." George ordered. I handed the map to Fred, the floor creaking heavily under us.

"Uh, guys," I said, a warning laced in my tone, as the floor creaked again. My hand itched to grab Fred's shirt in case the level suddenly broke.

"Yn, we made it this far. It's totally safe." Fred took a couple of steps forward to prove his point. There was no grabbing his shirt now...

"Yeah, Y/n, totally safe," George laughed and jumped up. The moment his feet landed on the wooden floor, a loud CRACK split the air.

A scream ripped it's self from my throat as gravity took over. The wind was rapidly knocked from my lungs, and my whole body protested in pain. A groan came from near to me, and I looked around. It was too dark to see anything.

"George?" I asked cautiously.

"Damn that hurt," His voice came from nearby. He sounded extremely close, but I couldn't quite place where he was.

"Y/n! George!" Fred's voice echoed down from the hole.

"We're OK," I shouted up to him. "I hope," I muttered this part under my breath.

"Is George OK?" Fred yelled down at us again.

I flinched as George yelled "yes." It sounded like he was screaming in my ear.

"Use the map to find us a way out of here!" I yelled up to Fred. I heard footsteps running away. I hope he was going to find us a way out.

"Lumos," George said, and the small space filled with dim light.

I looked around. It seemed as if George and I had landed in some random closet. I'd fallen on a box. There were brooms mops set up against a corner of the wall. Space was minimal. It wasn't more than a meter in length and a meter in width.

"Y/n," George said.

"Where are you?" I finally asked the question that was on my mind.

"Under you, you dimwit," He replied.

I looked under myself, a smug grin plastering on my face. George had landed on the box, his butt breaking the box and sinking into the crushed mess. I had fallen on George, my back against his chest.

It took me a moment to realize I was sitting in his lap. I shifted forward, sliding off of the box. I misjudged the distance from the top of the box to the ground. The box was as tall as I was.

George Weasley X Reader (Harry Potter) Fred Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now