I Can Fight 'Em!

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Frank's P.O.V

"Keep your head tipped back Gerard!" I shrieked as I held his hand in place. I was walking Gerard back home after he got into a fight. Again. For the third time this week.

"It's hard to when I'm trying to walk! I can't see where I'm going!" He countered trying to look straight ahead of him. I shook my head, tipping his head back as he groaned. Bloody noses were nothing to him, but Donna, Gerard's mother, as well as me, were tired of spending hours trying to get blood stains out of Gerard's clothes. Of course, he claimed we didn't need to and that it was a waste of time, as he claimed, "They were just bloody noses." I walked him back to his house and called for Donna. Gerard sat at the kitchen counter and pouted, finally complying and holding his nostrils to stop the bleeding. Donna came rushing in and sighed. He went over to Gerard and smack him on the back of the head.

"Ow! Why'd you do that ma?!" He asked puzzled, one hand now redirected to the back of his head. I snorted at his surprised facial expression. He rolled his eyes at me, to which I rolled them back and stuck my tongue out at him. He smirk and leaned his elbows on the table.

"Keep doing that and I'll put that tongue to good use, Frankie." He said winking at me. I hit his shoulder as he giggled.

"I've never known any sixteen year old boy get into as much trouble as you have Gerard. Giving me a heart attack." She mumbled and went to the laundry room and came back with a cloth, giving it to Gee. He held the cloth under his nose, sighing as he could breath through his nose after an agonizing thirteen minutes. I shook my head as Donna, guns blazing, started lecturing Gerard about standards, self control, anger management, and generally how not to be a dick and not to overreact over something simple. This whole thing could've been avoided, but he didn't like me getting cat called, and then being degraded by two sleaze bags. Honestly, they were probably high off of whatever illegal drug they could find. After Donnas famous, "mom speech" Gerard came up to me, nose finally not dripping with blood and put an arm around my waist. "Let's go to your place, Frankie?" He asked kissing my neck. I smirk and grabbed his hand. An evening in New Jersey during the fall was definitely interesting to say the least, but that's just how New Jersey was in our area. It actually was nicer than summer was. All the creeps weren't out too much because it got colder at night, and thankfully that meant Gerard got into less fights. That was the idea after all, but Gee didn't seem to care what the weather was like. Once we made it to my house, I stopped outside the front door and put my hands on Gerard's shoulders.

"My mother is home. You know what that means?" I asked warningly. He pursed his lips then giggled.

"No sex tonight?" He asked pouting. I smiled and giggled along with him. I pulled him into a hug and wrapped my arms around his waist as I put my face in the crook of his neck. His arms wrapped around my back, and he gave me a kiss on the top of my head. "I'm sorry, Frank... I'm sorry I get into so many fights..." He apologized, rubbing my back slowly. I squeezed him harder after his apology.

"That's okay, baby." I said into his neck, my words being slightly muffled. "I love you, Gerard."

"I love you too, Frankie." He replied. I pulled away and went inside, discarding my doc martins and jacket, hanging it up. I led Gerard up to my room and he laid down on my bed, sighing in content. "You're bed is so damn comfortable." He said, his eyes closed and his hands behind his head. I giggled and nodded, then realizing he couldn't see me.

"Isn't it?" I asked, patting his knee. I sighed before going to my door. "I gotta use the bathroom, I'll be back." I said before leaving. Once I was finished with everything, I went back to my room to find it being absent of Gerard. I raised an eyebrow. I groaned and went outside to the left side of my house, by the window of which my bedroom was. I sighed once I saw Gerard sitting in the tall tree that could be accessed through my window. He did this often when he came over, but normally he'd get right down, and lately he had stopped.

"Gerard Way! Get your ass out of that tree!" I shouted as I ruffled my hair. It was getting late and I didn't want to deal with this, I just wanted to lay down and listen to music with him, not coax him out of a damn tree.

"No! It's nice up here!" He countered. I thought for a moment.

"This is my property! I will call the cops on you if you don't get out of that tree!" I threatened. He should listen now, I was brining in law enforcements, it's more serious than me just being annoyed. I heard him laugh. That was a bad sign.

"I can fight 'em! They can't take me out of a tree!" He laughed. I told him again that I would call them, and he again declared that he would fight the police. Then I finally got a good way to get him down. I ran into the the house and to the kitchen where I grabbed a homemade snicker doodle from the cookie jar that my mom made today. I returned to my spot holding the cookie up in the air.

"Get down and you can have the snicker doodle my mom made!" I heard him gasp and slowly he climbed down, snatching the cookie from my hand and eating it. I laughed as he finished, a couple crumbs on his shirt, and one of the corner of his mouth. "You got something right there." I said kissing him. He held my waist and pulled his lips away, resting his forehead against mine.

"Frank, I totally could've fought the police, I'm a tough guy." He said, rubbing my hip. I laughed and shook my head.

"I think you're mistaking 'tough guy' for the word, 'asshole.'" I said kissing his cheek. He shook his head and grabbed my hand.

"I am not an asshole, I'm tough." He denied. I sighed, a huge smile appearing on my face.

"Yeah, yeah. Come watch a movie with me, tough guy."

I'm actually really happy with this one! Thank you SOOOO much to PartyGhoul24 for suggesting this idea! If anyone else has ideas, I'm still accepting them as always, so never be afraid to message me :))

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