Kiss It Better....

281 13 25

Frank's p.o.v

I opened the door to Gerard and I's home, shutting the door with a smile. Today was a long day at work and I just wanted to see Gerard and cuddle. I've been working a lot in an attempt to get a raise so I'll finally get the pay to fit with the amount of work I to put into each day. I walked to the kitchen, setting my keys down on the counter. "Gee?!" I yelled through the house. Normally he would be in the living room watching cartoons or singing and dancing to music with a huge smile on his face. I didn't get a reply back. He was probably just in our room listening to music and drawing. I walked up stairs and went to our room. I opened the door slowly, and he wasn't there. I became worried, he never didn't answer back to my calls. "Gerard, if you're pulling a joke or hiding it's not funny anymore." I said as I walked down the hall. I came across the bathroom, the light was on and the door was cracked. I furrowed my eyebrows. Why wouldn't he answer me if he was just a few doors down? I knocked on the door waiting for a reply. "Gee, it's me, can I come in?" I asked, my hand against the door.

Frank..." I heard him say. But it wasn't his normal chipper greeting, it was more of a croak. I slowly opened the door, and felt a huge part of me die inside.
(Huge trigger warning)

He was laying there with a tear stained face, but that wasn't what killed me, it was the fact that he was there with bloody wrists and thighs still crying. He had blood on his hands, assuming he held his wrists or thighs trying to stop the blood flow. I couldn't help but cry, my poor boy.

"Frankie..... Help me, please."

"Baby, oh god. Why'd you do this? Why didn't you tell me? Oh god I'm sorry I couldn't help you. I'm sorry!" I cried. I went over to him and put my hands on his wounds, trying to stop the steady blood flow. I tried to stand him up, when that didn't work, I held him, petting his hair to stop the crying the best I could.

"It's okay, y-you didn't know." He said against my neck. I carried him to our bedroom and laid him down. I frantically looked around the room to find any sort of bandage. I ripped the blankets off the bed and wrapped them around his wounds.

"Kiss it better...." He whimpered sadly. I burst out in tears, he didn't want to die now. God, I knew he had depression but he said he was doing a lot better and whenever I told him to tell me how he was doing, he said he was great. 

"Can you stay with me until I fall asleep, please..."

I fumbled for my cellphone which made me even more frustrated. When I managed to pull my phone out, I dialed 911. 

"911, what's your emergency?" I heard one of the dispatchers asked. I took a deep breath before answering, I couldn't breakdown right now.

"My b-boyfriend a-attempted sui-cide." I said my breath hitching. I heard the dispatch yell something before answering me.

"Where's your location?" I told her my address and she told me an ambulance would arrive shortly. I went back over to Gerard and sitting down next to him. I  cradled him in my arms and whispered to him.

"You're gonna get help baby, they'll be here soon, I promise. Gee, please be okay." I said kissing his head.

"I love you Frankie, always." He croaked again. I began to cry again.

"I love you too Gerard." He looked down at his face, he was significantly paler than before.

We laid here for about ten minutes when the ambulance came. When they came in, they looked at Gerard sadly. My eyes widened in confusion, what else happened to him in these short ten minutes?

"F-Fran...." I eyes widened.

"Gerard? Gee. Baby what is it? Gerard! Don't leave me!" I cried as I clutched Gerard in my arms. One of the paramedics came over and took Gerard's wrist in his hand, then he felt his neck checking for a pulse. They looked at me shaking they're heads.

"We're sorry for your loss sir." One of the paramedics said to me, patting my shoulder. I screamed as I clung to Gerard. This couldn't be happening, this was all a huge nightmare. I came to reality, this was real. Gerard died, but I'm glad he passed in my arms.

I wish I could've kissed it all better....

That was terrible, I know....

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