
451 19 12

Frank's p.o.v

"Gerard! Where are you?!" I yelled as I entered his house. He said he was home alone and that he wanted someone to talk to, so I came over. I dropped my bag off at the door and took my shoes off knowing Donna liked to keep a clean and tidy home even with her two messy sons. I started walking to the living room trying to find the cinnamon roll that was Gerard Way. I looked around and I couldn't find him anywhere. "Where the hell are you?!" I yelled trying to hide a laugh. Soon I felt a hand from behind me poke my cheek. I whipped around and found Gerard smiling at me, trying not to laugh. He looked adorable with his corpse bride jumper and skinny jeans.

"I poked you!" He said in a high cute voice. I couldn't help but smile at his child like nature, which instantly put me in a good mood.

"Yeah, where were you?" I asked kissing his head.

"Hiding, duh." He said poking me again. "Poke, poke, poke poke poke!" He said poking me each time. I smiled every time he did and tried swatting his hand away. 

"I'm gonna poke you back soon, mister!" I said laughing as he pushed me on the couch straddling me and making a feeble attempt to keep my arms down. I was pretty strong despite my height so it was easy to escape his grasp. I poked back, poking his little pixie nose.

"The pokey has become the poker! Haha!" I taunted as I continued poking him. I poked his tummy and he let out a screech like laugh before getting up and running away.

"You poked my soft spot, that's no fair!" He said pointing at me from across the room.

"You sneak attacked me! No rules!" I yelled back grinning at him.

"I declare poke war!" He yelled again before running upstairs. I didn't waste any time scrambling off the couch and upstairs. He had too much energy to keep up with, but I was trying my best here running on a solid four hours of sleep and school. As I neared the top, I heard a door shut. I looked over the corner and found that he had shut himself in his room. Shit. There was no way I was getting in there now.

"The war isn't over, my good friend." I said as I sat at his door.

"I'm not getting poked again, I don't trust you." I heard him say. I pondered for a moment, biting my lip before coming to an agreement.

"How about, you open the door, I won't poke you and you won't poke me. I'll also, buy you Starbucks for a whole week and you won't have to pay me back." I said tapping the door. I knew he couldn't resist Starbucks, it was an easy deal, I loved spoiling Gee. There was silence for a moment before an answer.



"Anything I want from Starbucks?"

"Mhmm." I heard the door click and soon it was cracked open. I stood up and saw Gee's little face through the cracked open door. He opened it all the way and I walked in. I turned to Gerard smiling, which he returned. He pulled me into a hug and we stood there hugging for a bit. I reached my arms down and started tickling his sides. He jumped back with a yelp on to his bed, and I followed, still tickling him. He was laughing and trying to push me away, which made me laugh as well.

"Frankie! S-stop! I'm gonna pee!" He exclaimed wiggling and laughing like crazy. I stopped and kissed his reddening cheeks. He lazily looked up at me and kissed me properly. This was probably one of the best afternoons I've had in a while, Gerard got me in the best mood ever, I'm glad I got to call him my boyfriend.

"Frankie, can you come watch Batman with me?" He asked holding my hand. I nodded and he practically dragged me downstairs. When we made it down he turned the t.v on, and turned to me. As he did he poked me. Again. I raised my eyebrows at him smirking. He started giggling of course. That cute giggle that I could not resist.

"Popcorn?" He asked.


Welp, here's the first one, I hope you enjoyed the cuteness. I intend to write a lot of fluff and cute stuff but, yeah, some will be sad because writing sad things puts me in a better mood when I'm upset, weird I know. I'll try to update as much as I can. If you have any requests you can leave them in the comments and I'll probably try my best to write what you are looking for. Anyway, have a great evening/night/morning/day!

Xoxo, Mama Trash

•-• Imma derp

•_• Imma derpy clone

And I'll leave now....

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