If You Love Me, Let Me Go

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Let's do this

Gerard's P.O.V

I walked into the hospital in my Star Wars pajama pants and a black t-shirt, and black converse clad feet. I passed a few nurses that I've come to like over the past few weeks. I knocked on the light oak door that I'm too familiar with by now. I heard a soft "come in" and I smiled. I was spending the night with Frank. He smiled when he saw me, and I smiled back. I walked over to the big, surprisingly comfy chair and took my converse off. I walked back over to the love of my life and pecked his beautiful warms lips. His warms lips. That means everything to me, the fact that he's still alive and he's warm, and still with me.

"Can I lay down with you?" I asked playing with his long, black hair.

"Yes, please. I've been lonely without you." He said pulling the covers up. I crawled under with his and rested my head on his chest, listening  to his beating heart.

"How's school been?" He asked quietly rubbing my back. I'm in art school for my second year now, and I'm glad Frank still cared considering how much he's been through in the past few weeks. He was in a car accident. I wasn't there, I was at our home waiting for him to come back from the store.

"It's pretty good. Great actually. How've you been?"

"Ah, a little sore, I've been missing you so much, but, I'm okay I guess." I looked down somberly feeling my sadness consume me. I looked up and kissed him. It was longer than our "hello" kiss, it had meaning, deep meaning. I didn't want to lose him.

"Baby, I've been thinking about something." I hummed in response.

"I'm in a lot of pain, and-this isn't really living. I-- baby, I think it's time I go." He said, his voice cracking. I felt my lip tremble and my eyes water.

"B-but, I can't live without you, I mean, I'd probably go insane without you." I said the tears blurring my vision.

"I know... But, I'm hurting, really bad. I'm sorry if this is selfish."

"N-no, it's f-fine." My throat hurt so bad from holding my tears back.

"Your reacting to this well, I thought you'd be crying... Are you holding back?" I nodded. "Let it out Gee." I broke down. I was crying loudly clutching Frank's shoulders tight. I couldn't lose him, I need him so much.

"Hey, let's focus on good times okay?" I nodded and wiped my eyes and nose.

"D-do you remember the night when we got married?" I asked grinning. He smiled and nodded.

"Of course, you were crying and smiling and we danced and, you spilled champagne on me, and we just laughed for like ten minutes over it." He said laughing.

"You've given me a great life Frank. I-I just don't know what I'll do when you're gone." I said crying again. He cupped my cheek, pulling my face up, and I felt his face in my hands.

"You've been amazing Gerard. I love you."

"I love you too." We hugged. Life was fine.

"I guess this is goodbye." He said rubbing my back. I shook my head aggressively."

"I don't want to let you go! I-I-I can't! Please don't leave me!"

"Gerard, ba-"

"I don't want to be alone!" I cried. This was my worst nightmare. Living without Frank, was my worst nightmare. I'd known him my whole life.

"I don't either, but do you want me to be in pain?" I shook my head "no." The nurse walked in and Frank told her what was going to happen. "So, I'll nod my head when you can pull the plug." He said voice cracking more. He pulled me to his lap and took my hands in his.

"Gerard Way-Iero, you have given me a beautiful life, I'll always remember you, I'll always be with you. Remember that, I'll always love you."

"I'll always love you too." I said with tears streaming down my face. "A-and, I'll always remember you, I'll never love anyone like I loved you." I said hugging him. He held me, gripping my shirt.

"Goodbye Gerard, I love you."

"Bye, I love you too." His arms tightened and we stayed there hugging and spending our last moment together, then, his arms fell off my back and I heard the long "beep" noise.

"No! Baby, no, p-please, no!" I cried as I held to his limp body. I lost my husband. I truly, will ever love anyone as much as I loved him.

As I got back to our home, I slammed the door. Our home. It will always be our home. I fell to the ground and looked up at the ceiling.

"Why would you do this?! Why'd you take him!" I yelled. Frank always believed in God. I ran to our room and slammed the door. I had been crying non stop ever since I left the hospital. I rummaged through our dresser and found it. One of Frank's shirts. It still smelled like him. I held it right to my chest. This is what I had left of him.

"Frank, I miss you, I-I need y-you!" I sat down on our bed and cried as I saw the spot where Frank and I would lay together and hold each other saying how much we loved each other every night. How was I going to go to sleep every night alone? I laid down clutching his shirt to my chest. "I love you Frank." I said before falling asleep.

Donna's P.O.V

Mikey and I heard about Frank, so we drove down to see Gerard. Once we are inside we went to his room. He was asleep with an object in between is hands.

"I'm gonna see what it is." Mikey whispered as he grabbed the object. It was a shirt. Frank's shirt. Gerard stirred and started breathing fast. Then he started mumbling. He shot up in his bed.

"I can't feel him!" He screamed crying.

"Gee! He's gone!" Mikey yelled back

"Mikey!" I yelled. He has no right to say that to Gee.

Gerard's P.O.V

Please leave." I whimpered. They did and started crying again. I have to live without Frank. I'm gonna miss him. Fuck my life.

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