What Happened To Us..?

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Gerard's P.O.V.

"Frank?!" I asked from the living room. I was fucking bored and I just wanted to do something with him. I heard his giggle and smiled, he'd been in his room all day and I missed talking to him. I walked up to his door and knocked. The laughing ceased. I cocked an eyebrow but let myself in. He was with Leah. His girlfriend. Or, my bad, since they're so cute and funny she's just "L" like in Death Note.. They ruined the damn show by calling her that for me. "Oh.. You're busy.." I mumbled.

"Yeah, whatcha need Gee?" He asked with a smile. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, followed by a sigh.

"I told you. To stop. Calling me. That." I seethed. That was the last name Frank called me before he traded his day of laughing, and even occasionally making out with me, for being with her, and I am serious when I say this, 24/7, she's just--always here! He rejected me because he "kinda liked" her and now they're together.

"Why are you so uptight lately?" He asked rolling his eyes.

"How would you know?" I snarled. Seriously, when we hang out its not "Gee and Frankie" it's "Gee, Frankie, and is annoying as hell girlfriend." I crossed my arms as Leah looked between us from the corner. I shot her a look that said "what the hell do you want?"

"What crawled up your ass?" He snarled. I was gonna be a smart ass because I could.

"Nothing. You obviously didn't." I said before turning around and slamming the door. I went downstairs and sat on the couch in a now grouchy state of mind. "I have a girlfriend. Gerard go away, I'm with my girlfriend. Blah blah blah blaaaah." I say in a mock voice of Frank. Soon I heard footsteps come down the stairs. I turned around and there he was. I rolled my eyes and sat down looking at the black t.v. screen.

"Gerard, seriously, what's going on with you?" He asked me, sounding maybe a tad bit.. Concerned? I shook my head.

"It's not important." I grumbled. I heard him let out an angry sigh.

"Just tell me so I can move on with my day." I was stunned. I let my mouth fall open.

"If consulting me is such a chore just forget about it." I snapped, feeling very hurt from his words.

"You're so immature!" He yelled before marching back upstairs and slamming his door. I shook my head and tucked some of my black locks behind my ear. I wasn't being immature, he was just overreacting about everything. How else was I supposed to react to my best friend leaving me in the gutter? It's not even that he's with someone that hurts either.. It's the fact that he said, "It'll always be me and you against the world." What the hell happened to it being us against the world..? Why do I have to face the world.. Alone..? Frank was the one there when I was in the bathroom crying my eyes out as I stood on the scale, glaring at the number that appeared. That happened again last night and I cried for him and-- he never came. He was out with her. He forgot about me. He let me cry and bleed. I scrunched my eyes closed and rubbed my face, trying to stop the tears from falling. The last thing he needed was to realize that I need him. I'd hate to burden him with my feelings.. I got up from my seat and went to the bathroom and put him to the test.. And I was paranoid about my weight. I got on the scale, clothed I reminded myself if the number came up too high for my liking.  When I saw the number, though I'd didn't think it would happen, I started crying. I was actually very underweight. I though I was just dizzy for no reason, this makes sense. I just wanted to be healthy. I started crying and let the tears fall. I wasn't even doing this for him, I just didn't know how to react. "Frank?!" I cried as stood on the scale, my hands on my cheeks. I didn't hear anything. He probably didn't hear me. "Frankie!" I cried even harder as the thought of being forgotten got strong along with my feelings. I heard nothing for a few seconds.

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