You're Embarrassing Me You Midget!

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Gerard's P.O.V

"Fucking circle piece of shit." I muttered to myself, erasing the abomination I just made. I was currently drawing in the kitchen while mom was getting dinner ready. I was trying to draw my own creation of a... Hybrid, I guess. It was a cross between a woman and a violin, I came up with it at eleven o'clock at night. That's where the best ideas come from. I was doing the faint outlines of her body, but the jaw turned out like a circle, than a jaw. I had my lip between my teeth as I started the draw her torso, and, let me tell you, drawing boobs are fucking hard to do, like, wow. I actually got a decent shape that I could fix later on, but then my elbow got bumped which made a dark line go across the page. I looked at my paper horrified at what just happened. I looked up and Mikey was sat next to me smiling. I stared at him with a sadistic smile.


"You fucking twat! You just messed me up-just- God damnit Mikey!" I yelled throwing my pencil at him, which hit his shoulder.


"Boys! Come here!" My mom yelled from the kitchen. Mikey and I stared at each other wide eyed at our mothers tone. We walked to her and she was staring at us with her hands on her hip.

"Care to explain why you two are screaming at each other?" She asked tapping her foot waiting for a reply.

"Mikey messed up my sketch that I worked so hard on." I explained glaring at Mikey.

"Dude! It was a line!"

"Can't you just erase it and do it again?" My mom asked looking at me quizzically. I crossed my arms, and putting my weight on one foot trying to be sassy as possible.

"Okay, one, it's a dark line. Two, I don't know, mom, can you just try to make another child again? No." I sassed looking at her, raising an eyebrow. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you have any idea what it's like being in labor with you for eight hours? No."

"Haha, you were difficult!"

"Mikey, shut up!" I yelled for what felt like the hundredth time in the last few minutes.

"Your just cranky because you don't sleep, like I said you should, and your hormonal." My mom explained waving her hand around.

"Also, you can't get laid." Mikey said snickering at me.

"I can totally get laid! Do you even know how many people wanna fuck me?" I asked smirking at my wording. I hoped he'd take my word for it, but he didn't.

"No Gee, I don't. Do you?" He asked smirking.

"Aahhhh, no, but that doesn't mean anything." I said irritated. I heard a knock at the door and ran there, trying my hardest to get away from that conversation. I swung the door open slipping on my socks and falling on my ass. Right. In front. Of Frank. Shit. I felt my cheeks flare up as I scrambled to my feet.

"You okay there sugar?" He asked me in his honey like voice. God, I had such a huge crush on him. We'd known each other since seventh grade... We're fucking eight teen now.

"UHHHHHH, y-yeah." I stood back up and we both headed to the kitchen. He was staying for dinner. And the night. Fuck me up. We walked in and Mikey looked at me smirking, I mouthed "fuck off" and sat down next to Frank.

"Frank you made it!" My mom exclaimed cheerfully, hugging Frank.

"I sure did Ma'am."

"Dinner is almost done, you won't have to wait too long." My mom said before scurrying back to the kitchen.

"How ya been Mikey?" Frank asked smirking. That fucking smirk drove me insane, I just wanna kiss that dumb smirk.

"Eh." Mikey said pulling out his phone.

"How about you sugar?" Frank asked turning to me. I felt my face heat up and looked away.

"Fine." I mumbled playing with my hair. I felt his hands on my chin, slowly lifting my face up.

"What was that?" He asked softly, tilting his head. "Daddy couldn't hear you kitten." My eyes widened. Did he just say daddy? Shit, now I have a boner, go the fuck away, I don't want you here right now.

"I-I'm fine, d-daddy." I said biting my lip. He smile before kissing my cheek.

"Can I have a kiss Gee?" He asked holding my face in his hands. I nodded before our lips met, slowly. Holy, fucking shit. We stayed together for seconds before he pulled away, and my mom happened to walk in with dinner.

"Let's eat!" She exclaimed.

I was picking at my nails as I listened to the conversation that was currently happening. We're all done eating, just talking, mainly my mom and Frank. They were laughing now.

"You should've been there Donna, G-Gerard fell in gym today and-" he was cut off by his own giggle. He was talking about me!

"Shut up! You're embarrassing me you midget!" I yelled horrified, all he did though, was laugh more.

"You fell right on your ass! Good thing it's big so it broke your fall." His laughter died down. "That's a compliment too." He said winking. My eyes widened in horror. Why was he talking about my ass in front of my mother?!

"Who wants dessert?" My mom asked happily. I had lost my appetite.
Frank and I were now laying down on my bed looking up at the ceiling and just talking.

"Wait, so Bethany, is going out with Will?" Frank asked confused.

"No no, Bethany broke up with Will, but now she's checking out Anthony." I said moving my hands around in a crazy way.

"Damn, she moved on quick. I missed one fucking day!" He exclaimed turning to me. We stared at each other, he was smirking. "You better stop smirking before I fucking kiss that smirk away"
I thought to myself. He started scooting closer to me, I mimicked him, soon we were face to face. I was leaning in and I felt his breath on my face, and his hand on my ass. I whimpered at the sudden contact, our lips were so close, then, he pulled away.

"Patience pumpkin, daddy will give you kisses in the morning sweetheart, you need sleep though." He said scooting me up with him. He tucked me in next to him and kissed my head. "Night baby boy." He whispered.

"Night daddy." I mumbled. Was I his submissive now? I don't mind...

SUP FUCKERS...... I'm sorry that was a a lot... Umm *cough cough* salutations!

Anyway I hope you enjoyed, it's almost fucking Christmas yay! Are you guys excited? What's one thing you want for Christmas? If you don't celebrate Christmas, whatcha doing for the holidays? Also, I except request if you have anything.

I'll see you guys later my Loyal Memers!

Xoxo, Mama Trash

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