City Lights

187 9 3

City Lights~Motionless In White

Gerard's P.O.V

I trudged downstairs to see my boyfriend, Frank. I've been up all night working on my damn assignment for my college classes. Literally all night. From about five to now, at ten p.m. I sat down with a huff, looking over at Frank. He stared blankly at the t.v. I raised an eyebrow, earlier he was saying how he couldn't wait for me to be done so we could cuddle, now, he wasn't even looking at me. I put my hand in his thigh, rubbing small circles. His hand fell over mind, making me smile. He grabbed my hand, pulling it up, and placing it on my lap. His behavior was really confusing me, I don't know why he'd be mad at me. I stared down at my hands, then back at Frank. Still, no emotion shown on his face. 

"What's wrong?" I asked looking over at him. He turned to me, somewhat glaring.

"I don't know Gerard, maybe it's the fact you haven't spoken a word to me all fucking night." He said, his words dripping with anger and frustration.

"Babe, I was working, I didn't mean to neglect you. Let's cuddle like you wanted." I explained moving towards him. The closer I got the more he moved away. He was fucking pissed at me. The beauty, and caring flare in his eyes, that used to shine so bright that it could light all the street lamps in the city, was now gone, filled with a swirl of negativity and anger. I no longer saw, or pictured a sunny day, in a field with small rabbits hopping around. No, I saw deep dark waters, filled with serpents, mean and evil, ready to bite. This was not the Frank I knew, this was an evil entity. It's name was hatred.

"Can you please talk to me?" I urged.

"Why do you care now?"

"I was busy, I'm sorry!" I exclaimed getting irritable myself.

"Don't fucking yell at me!" He yelled staring at me. I was taken back by his tone. "God, just-why don't you seem to care anymore? I know some of its your classes but, God, you can barely just, sit and talk to me without getting distracted. I miss my boyfriend. I'm sick of being alone!" I felt as though a stake spiked through my heart at his words.

"Frank, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Just listen to me-"

"No! You listen to me! I'm sick of it, I'm sick of fucking everything! I've seen you flirt around with Bert, I'm not fucking blind Gerard!"

"I was joking! I've known Bert my whole life, I can't joke around now?!"

"I'm not saying that! You're a fucking prick, I'm sick of it! I'm sick of us!" He screamed at me, tears starting to fall down his rosy cheeks. I felt tears polling in my eyes now.

"Do-do you w-wanna-"

"Breakup? Yes. Don't try to contact me again!" Frank screamed as he got up and started for our room. I followed not too far from him. When I was in there with him, he was angrily stuffing clothes into a suitcase.

"Frank this all a huge misunderstanding!" I pleaded as I reached out for him. I just wanted to comfort him, and apologize for everything. As I neared him, he whipped around staring at me.

"Don't fucking touch me!" He screamed as he zipped up his stuff.

"I'm sorry!" I yelled, now following him down the stairs.

"No! I'm done arguing, I can't handle all the arguing we've been doing lately! I'm done!"

"Well, fuck you, you ungrateful dick!"

"How dare you call me that! Go fuck yourself!" Then the front door slammed. He was gone. I told him I'd always be here to help him, to care for him, to love him, but I failed. I felt all of the tears I was holding back finally fall. I didn't really want him to leave, I needed him. I fell to the floor, crying loudly as everything came back. All the memories of our time together. It was special. It was beautiful. I miss him already. The anger and hate in our words still drifted in the air as I cried. I was alone. I'm lost without him here with me. I felt like I was in my mind, aimlessly walking around. My light was gone. The streets were empty. The street lights didn't seem to shine so bright anymore. Nothing, shined so bright....

Sorry for any spelling errors

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