Mentally Devoted

127 8 4

Summit New Jersey, 1986

Frank's P.O.V.

"There have been reports of a local mental patient who has escaped from the Summit Mental Hospital. We advise all residents to stay inside and lock your doors, as this man is highly dangerous. We go to Kelly, with the weather..."

"Thank you James, we will be expecting rain, rain, and more rain for the next few days. Temp... "

I clicked my television off, as the weather never interested me. It was getting late, about nine o'clock now, and I had work tomorrow. I let out a roaring yawn as I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes, but failed.

As I peered outside, the rain was beating down aggressively now, far from the light drizzle only this morning. I couldn't understand why anyone would be out in this type of weather, and it surprised me when I saw a man running up the sidewalk. I cocked an eyebrow at the sight, but I forgot the mysterious man I had just seen and went to my kitchen to get a glass of water. My glass slowly filled, and I nearly dropped it when a knock was heard from my front door. I put my glass down on the counter and crept over to the window. There stood the man who was running, at my door step with a very worried expression on his face. I cracked my door open and stared for a bit. He was quite attractive, shoulder length black hair and a pair of hazel eyes that could kill. I opened the door and spoke to the man.

"Excuse me? Sir? What seems to be the problem?" I asked, inspecting him. My eyes widened as I saw that his shirt, neck, hands, and face were speckled with blood. He looked like something right out of a horror movie. He stared down at my short figure and started fumbling with his hands.

"I-I've been in a horrible accident. C-could I please use your te-telephone?" He weeped, shaking violently. I nodded and let the stranger in. I led him to the kitchen where my corded phone was located. He mumbled a "thank you" and I went back to the living room. He returned minutes later, looking less shaken up than before. I got up from my seat and walked to the man.

"I don't know your name..." I stated, glancing to the side.

"Oh, I'm Jared, and you are?" He questioned, motioning to me with his pale hand.

"I'm Frank, tell me about yourself Jared, I have let you into my home after all." I chuckled.

"I don't like talking about myself. I'm more of an observer, I like learning about others. Others, personalities, dislikes, likes, weaknesses. Tell me about you, Frank." His tone scared me significantly. He sounded so calm, and intimidating. I cleared my throat and tried to find the right words to say.

"Ummm, well, what do you want to know? Also-- what was the call for?" I asked suspiciously.

"Anything you want to tell me." He smirked at me, crossing his arms. This was getting all too creepy for me.

"Answer my question first." I urged. "What was the call for?"

"Now, why is a pretty face like yours getting so worried? I was calling a friend to pick me up. He'll be here in about an hour." He chuckled, putting one of his pale hands on my thigh, moving up. I cowered away from his touch.

"Don't touch me." I whimpered looking down. I soon felt a strong grip on my chin, pulling my face up and closer to his. I was met with the same hazel eyes that intrigued me at first, but now scared me to my core.

"Now, we wouldn't want to throw around attitude, now would we? Let's cooperate, and I won't hurt a hair on your pretty little head." He snarled, ruffling my hair. He planted his lips on mine and I struggled against him. I was practically living in a horror movie now. This man was not a victim, I was now a victim. I felt tears prick my eyes, but quickly wiped them away. What was he going to do to me? Should I be worried? Oh God, I didn't want this, I just wanted to go to bed and hope that this was one huge nightmare. It wasn't. This was cruel reality. Then it came to me. Was this the escaped mental patient that was on the news? Oh God, I let a pyscho into my home! How could I be so naive?

"What a-are you going to do with me?" I whimpered. He turned to me, smirking with a sadistic grin. This whole situation made me feel sick to my stomach. He started inching towards me, too slow for my liking.

"Oh, I'm not going to hurt you," He laughed darkly. I could now feel his breath on my face. "Not yet anyway, that would be too easy. You stay here, and you better be right here when I get back." He snarled and left to the kitchen again. I fell to the ground, crying into my hands. I felt a presence near me. I looked up and found Jared looking down at me softly. He crouched down and took me into his arms cooing softly in my ear. I looked up at him, and he smiled at me, with a genuine smile. I felt my mouth being covered by a cloth, and then, complete darkness.

One Hour Later....

I pried my eyes open, squinting at the bright light that intruded my eyes. I looked around at the small room I was in. It was dark, with stone walls, and in the corner, a cart with what looked like surgical tools. This was not my home. I started to panic, trying to move and run, but I was restricted. I looked down and saw that my hands and legs were strapped down to a bed that I was laying on. My heart was racing. I was so confused on how I got myself into this predicament, and then I remembered. Jared. I saw him stride over to me, with a smirk that made my insides bubble with fear and anger. He knelt down, stroking my cheek with the back of his hand.

"The more you struggle the harder this'll be for the both of us."

"What about that phone call earlier? About your friend?"

"There is no friend dear, just cutting the wires so you couldn't call the cops." He stated.

"Now, say cheese!" He said chipperly, snapping a picture of me on a polaroid camera. He put the camera at his side and smile.

"You really are a beautiful man." He said before leaning down and planting his lips on mine. I struggled and whimpered. He pulled away from me before cupping my face in one of his hands. He briskly walked over to his cart of instruments, then turning and walking towards me again. He picked up a scalpel and I knew I was a goner....

Two Days Later....

"Breaking news, a local New Jersey man by the name of Frank Iero has been reported missing. If you know this man or of his whereabouts, please contact the local sheriff."

Three Days Later....

"We have gotten reports that the young man named Frank Iero, has been found dead in a local neighborhood. His murderer has been discovered to be Gerard Way, an escaped mental patient. Way will be on trial this Thursday."

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