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Gerard's P.O.V

"Gerard!" I heard my friend Frank yell while walking into my apartment. I regret giving him spare keys to my place... I looked up from the comic I was reading and set it down beside me. Frank stood triumphantly in front of me. I raised an eyebrow at his silence.

"Yes?" I finally asked looking at him. He took a breath, and closed his eyes.

"I'm gay! I-I said it! I'm fucking gay! I like guys!" He exclaimed smiling. I started to laugh as I stood up and gave him a hug. I loved him so much. He's the most ridiculous person I've ever met, and defiantly a handful.

"That's great!" I said patting his back. Frank's been battling with what his sexuality was and, well, he figured it out apparently. I'm glad that he could finally move on, because him questioning all the time held him back and stopped him from doing a lot of things. It was a hard time for him... He stopped talking to me for a little while...

"I'm so damn happy.." He whispered as he looked up at me. His hazel marble eyes looking shiny, his lip slightly trembling as he stared back at me. Just looking directly into his eyes and seeing the pain mist away into a new light that I could see, made my own eyes water. I closed my mouth which I didn't even know was slightly agape. I smiled as I felt tears slowly begin to form. This was my best friend, finally, after seven years, he's finally happy with himself. I was happy for him. "I'm twenty two, and I feel like I have my life together.." He whispered again smiling now with tears falling, and rolling down his rosy cheeks. I wiped them and smiled.

"I'm proud of you, Frankie." I assured, hugging him. I pulled away and chuckled at the thought running through my head. "Now stop crying! Let's be happy!" I exclaimed, laying back down on the couch. He giggled and laid on top of me. I dramatically rolled my eyes and shook my head. "I've never had such a close friendship with anyone, you're so damn clingy." I pointed out, laughing a little at him. He shrugged and look at up at me.

"I'm just glad so many people understand me, and don't question me. Like--they get it Gerard." He continued still looking into my eyes. This is the most eye contact he's ever made with me, which was surprising. I guess coming out helped him.

"See how nice it is being out?" I asked, which he nodded. "Have you kissed any boys yet?" I asked with a smirk and he blushed. I started giggling. "You have." He nodded. I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked at the ceiling. "You... You wanna kiss another?" I asked.

"Wh-what? Really?" He asked, his body stiffening. I nodded. I felt his body shift as he sat up. I smiled and put my hand under his chin, pulling his face towards mine. His lips were so soft and warm.. I felt so... Good, and safe and... Needed... I've liked Frank for awhile, that was no secret to an of our friends. When he pulled away he looked at me and smiled. "Wow.." Was all he said. I chuckled and shook my head. "Do you think my mom will be happy for me..?"

"Hopefully. She should love you no matter what, Frankie." I assured as I wrapped my arms around his waist. He looked down before tilting his head.

"Would Donna be proud of me?" He asked. My heart dropped. Donna was my mom... My mom who passed away four weeks before I graduated high school.. That was five years ago.. I swallowed hard in my throat. It was always hard talking about my mom, she was my best friend.

"Definitely." I said clearing my throat.

"How'd she react to you coming out?" He asked picking at his nails. I sighed and smiled a little.

"Well, you know I came out kind of young. So I was scared, a scared thirteen year old." I said shrugging. He nodded. "I remember we were talking about love and stuff and I'll never forget what she said. She said, "Just know, I want you to be with anyone who cares abut you, and takes care of you as much as I do." Then that gave me the moment to tell her how I was feeling, so I asked her, "Anyone?" Which she nodded her head to. Then I decided to push it. "Even if it's a guy?" I remember asking. She looked confused, but nodded. And I remember I said, "Mama, I think I like boys.." And she started crying and hugged me. I asked if she still loves me and she said, "Baby, you love anyone who makes you happy, I'll always be your mama, and I'll always love you..." I felt my eyes start to water and tears soon fell. Frank looked at me sadly.

"Gerard, don't cry. Hey-"

"I miss my mama, Frank..." I whimpered. He hugged me and rubbed my sides.

"I bet... It's okay, buddy..." He assured. I wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you, and y-you're my best friend.." I cried.

"I love you too."

Don't leave me like mama did... Please Frankie..." I sobbed, clutching his shoulders.

"I'm not Gerard, I'm here. I'll always be here for you."

Hi <3

Xoxo, Mama Trash


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