I'm Sorry Guys...

150 9 11

Gerard's P.O.V

I was up in Frank and I's shared bedroom trying to get this damn comic done, but I kept getting distracted by four different giggles. Frank, Lily, Cherry, and Miles were all downstairs giggling, from what I heard to be a tickle war that Frank was losing. I felt myself smile thinking about it, here Frank and I were, both of us thirty three and we had three beautiful children, a lot of threes. Frank and I married when we were twenty four, then three years later we adopted the twins, Lily and Cherry, very sweet girls, a lot of attitude, apparently I was rubbing off as Frank always said with that little smirk. They were two when we adopted them, then three years later, when we were thirty, we adopted Miles, surprisingly he looked a lot like Frank. Now, here we were, our amazing family, Frank, me, Lily, Miles, Cherry, and our dog sweet pea, and our cat Mitch. We were a busy, but happy family, I wouldn't have it any other way either. I couldn't take being up here while they were having fun. I shut my laptop and headed downstairs, as my feet hit the bottom step Frank came barreling over.

"Help! They've ganged up on me, even though it's really unfair because it's two eight year olds and a crazy four year old, team up with me!" Frank exclaimed to me with red cheeks and big smile. I smiled back and nodded, then the tickling continued. The kids obviously won because they are too energetic. Now we were all sitting on the couch, all of our cheeks flushed.

"Who wants dinner?" I asked breathing hard. Everyone, including Frank popped up from the couch and rushed to the kitchen. I walked in there and Frank and the kids rummaging through the cupboards. "All right all the kids out." I said chuckling. They all moped off and Frank stood there smiling. I smiled and sauntered over to him, holding by the hips while he wrapped his arms around my neck. "You count as a kid." I chuckled for the hundredth time today.

"Why?" He said in a whining voice.

"Because you're so short you cute little man that I love." I kissed him and he tightened my grip around him. After I pulled away, I pressed my forehead against his. "Will you make me pasta, please?"

"Yes, baby." I squealed and pulled away going to sit with the kids while Frank cooked dinner. Everything was great, nothing could go wrong. I love my family. Soon, we ate dinner and started watching a movie. Soon dinner was done and we all ate as a family. We talked, smiled, giggled, it was just the best thing ever, this how every night normally went. I always got told I was never going to have a boyfriend because I was too sad, or too ugly, now I have a beautiful husband who loves me and always comments on how beautiful I am. I always got told I wouldn't have kids because I was gay, now I have three beautiful, amazing children who I love so much. I did things everyone said I couldn't do, I made it past twenty five, people always said I wouldn't, and I did. I'm finally happy.  Now we were all on the couch watching The Nightmare Before Christmas, one of Franks, and the kids favorite movie. I had to admit though, it was really growing on me. It was only about six thirty when Frank tapped my shoulder.

"I'm gonna go pick up the groceries now, before I forget to do it tomorrow."  He whispered to me. I nodded and we both sat up. Miles, Lily, and Cherry all looked up at us in question. "I'm going to the store real quick, I'll only be a minute. Behave for daddy, he'll be tucking you in tonight. I love you guys." Frank said crouching down as they all rushed to give him a hug. It made me smile to see Frank squeezing them, then hearing them giggle at the action. He kissed each of their heads and stood up, walking over to me. He gave me a smile, which I returned. I pulled him into a hug, holding him close to me and hugging him long, we shared a long kiss. "I'll be back soon. I love you."

"I love you too, be safe." I whispered to him.

"I will." He said before he shut the door behind him. I looked over to see the kids still peacefully watching their movie. I smiled and walked over to the front window looking out and seeing Frank slowly pull out of the driveway. I watched him drive slowly down the road, when another car came zooming down and smashing into the front of Frank's car. He got pushed back and tipped over. Shit, Shit, Shit. My eyes widened as tears filled my eyes. I couldn't move, I was frozen looking out the window at the wreckage. I needed to run out, but I couldnt just leave the kids. I quickly dialed Lindsey's phone number.

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