20- missed calls

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"ya, tae. hey! why won't you answer?" taehyung hears namjoon sigh from the other line of the call.

"mm, w-why'd you call hyung? a-about the mission, it's... it's only been a week, give me a break. i'll-i'll finish the task in three weeks, i promise!" taehyung hesitantly says. he doesn't know but there was something in him that made him nervous about the mission he's been doing.

was it because jeongguk and i are starting to become friends?
nope. no-and even if it was, i wouldn't let that small friendship ruin my dream to be noticed.

"ya kim taehyung! what is with you and your silent treatment to me? you're not like this before, did something happen?" namjoon asks and taehyung panicked.

"uh, n-no hyung. what did you say?"

"i said i called not to ask about your mission with jeongguk-i know you've been doing that well, so i called to ask if you're ready for the birthday party later. i heard your parents and jin-hyung have arrived in seoul."

"ah, y-yes, seokjin––i mean, jin-hyung texted me last night." taehyung says.

"okay, so? you ready yet?"
"i'm not but it's not like i have a choice. like it or not, i need to attend that hell of a party." taehyung answers and he heard how namjoon's voice tensed.

"y-ya, tae, don't get pressured over what happened. it's six years ago, a lot of people already moved on from it, you should forget about it too-"

"a lot is not all of them, hyung."

"i know but you should try-"

"don't you think i'm trying hard enough?"

"i-i didn't mean that but i guess it's-"

"whatever, hyung. i'll just go later. at least jinyoung-hyung would be there so i'm not alone."

"h-hey! you also have me. tch, this child."

"yeah i do have you, but when seokjin comes to sight, you suddenly forget about me. great, hyung."

"it's-it's not l-like tha-"

"yes it is. stop denying."

"n-no it's no–"

"yeah yeah like i'd believe you. by the way, bye now. something happened." taehyung pressed the end call and immediately read his new text messages.

it was from jeongguk, of course, who else? he was his only friend-and job.

hiiii taeee

taehyung-hyung. 😊

ya what do u need

a good listener.
someone to talk to.

i'm not definitely that person
i don't listen very well


ofc for you i'd try to be one☺

thanks ( :

so yeaaaaa
i'm just nervous.
you see hyung, i'm
a singer. and since i got
fired from the club weeks
ago, i'm having part time
jobs and i'm about to be
on one :(((((((((

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