2- cancerous sticks

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"fucking namjoon."

"if i only had other companies willing to take me, i've left that fucking agency two months ago,"

"shit. this is making me think really hard." taehyung repeatedly curses over the task namjoon assigned him. he said he'll be giving taehyung a good seven days before he officially starts, what would a fucking week do, taehyung thinks.

"this mission is just so fucking impossible. i've waited for two months just to have a decent case — and yet, wow! i was assigned to make a certain hot guy fall in love with me—" taehyung rants while slowly entering the nearest convenience store to get his pack of cigarettes.

he never wanted to smoke; he only smokes at times. at times like this. when he's completely problematic, depressed, feeling anxious, down, or whatsoever with his life. he entered the convenience store, looking depressed, before getting his favorite stock on the shelf.

"maybe this'll help for the night." taehyung says to himself while holding the whole packet. he then went to the cashier to pay for what he bought, when suddenly his eyes caught a similar pair of eyes. oh hell to the fucking no, these eyes are so familiar for taehyung to forget.

oh my god. taehyung wants to convince himself that he's dreaming, that it was nothing but surreal, but his eyes tell him otherwise. that's because the man standing before him, at the cashier of the convenience store, was none other than the sexy hot as fuck guy taehyung had seen earlier.

shit shit shit. what was his fucking name again??? i just know jeon! taehyung panicked and tried to think about it but was interrupted by a sudden voice. the voice was beautiful, not too high, but not as deep as his voice. taehyung bit his lip and looked at jeon's pair of eyes.

"um, sir? are you buying anything cause you've been standing like crazy there for a whole minute now," jeon interrupts, and taehyung curses himself for not being able to answer. maybe this was what namjoon meant when he said this guy sassed everyone.

"ah, y-yes." taehyung looked away, eyes catching what was written in jeon's polo shirt. there was a tag in there, and it had small bolded letters printed, taehyung squinted his eyes and he sees, 'jeon jeo—'

"excuse me. here's your receipt and cancerous sticks, you may go." the jeon jeo interrupted once again, god damn it, he was so fucking rude. and hot at the same time while sassing me. taehyung almost chuckled at what the jeon jeo used, he referred to the cigarettes as cancerous sticks, well, he wasn't wrong though.

"ha, stop minding my business. it's my most favorite stick in the world." taehyung spoke, eyes lowering on the 'cancerous sticks' before slowly heading out to give way for the next customer.

while walking, taehyung swore he saw jeon's eyes glance at him, while making an annoyed face. the younger turns away and gave full attention to the customer after taehyung. he sighs and walks towards his apartment.

god, why does it happen? whenever i think of a person, they suddenly appear in front of me. taehyung did not expect that the jeon guy was a cashier at his favorite convenience store, he's been buying those sticks ever since, but he never saw his face. that confused taehyung.

or maybe he did see his face but it did not attract taehyung.

but why did it attract him now?

"god fucking d— shut the fuck up, taehyung." he scolds himself as he lights up a cigarette from the newly opened packet he bought earlier. he entered his room and stayed out in his balcony.

that night, he kept on thinking, and thinking, and thinking, about how to make that sassy hot as fuck jeon guy fall in love with someone like him.

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