6- last three words

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"wow. as expected from famous actor kim seokjin, you have an amazing voice! what inspired you to become a singer aside from being an actor?" taehyung hears the sound coming from the television, and wished he hadn't turned it on.

"it was all thanks to my brother that i discovered this talent," seokjin answers and gives a smile. taehyung tries to fight back tears as waves of memories from a couple of years ago flashed in his mind.

"i'm going to spread my wings and fly freely across the world. i sing and i dance, i'm a beautiful butterfly." a nine-year old taehyung sings in front of his family, it was certain. at that age, he would like to be a singer - he aspires to be a singer, a successful one.

"why don't seokjin sing too? let's hear your voice," his mom responds, and instead of what taehyung expected from his mother, words 'wow you are such a good singer, son' and 'you have potential. you'll be a great singer someday', those words came out.

seokjin looked flustered with the sudden words that came out of his mom.

"but- i don't sing - i mean, tae's obviously better, mom, dad..." his older brother utters and taehyung smiled. he was happy that he had a brother who supports his dream.

"just give it a shot. you can sing too." his father said and seokjin couldn't do anything but oblige.

after seokjin finished singing, taehyung saw how his parents' faces lightened up, as if his hyung's voice was that one thing they both needed. immediately after singing, his mother called an agency to get seokjin start up his voice training.

"mom, what about tae–" seokjin asks.

"shh, son. just focus on your own talent okay?" and it was as if taehyung was easily forgotten. they forgot that he was the one who dreamt about singing, in the first place, and not seokjin.

when seokjin got into vocal lessons and other singing classes, taehyung got none.

he was just there, outside the room, watching his hyung sing and learn from the inside, and as if by instant, he watched as his older brother fulfills his dream of becoming a singer.

taehyung wants to be happy for him, he wants to erase all the envy and jealousy in his system, but his parents weren't any better. they'd always slam the fact in taehyung's face, that he, would never be successful like his brother, kim seokjin.

he ran out of their house, his face showing angry tears as he tries to quiet his muffled sobs, now convinced that he will never, never sing ever again.


"jiminie, i love you."

"you know i love you too, kookie." he smiled. a smile that jeongguk adores so much, a smile that he would die for.

"never leave me!" the younger whines as he clutched onto the older's shirt. fifteen-year old jeongguk sighs as he watches jimin turn away.

"kook, i need to work for this job. i'm not rich like you, so," jimin says and tiptoed to give jeongguk a slight kiss on his lips. the latter just sighed, and realized he couldn't do anything to stop jimin from leaving.

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