9- min yoon café

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taehyung woke up with a heavy feeling; the feeling he hadn't felt since five years ago, when he first drank his heart out as a broke college student. though, he felt differently today. he felt like he was lying onto a not so comfortable thing, his back hurts, and he felt the sun shine through his face.

didn't i close the windows last night?
taehyung opened his eyes to see, and was almost blinded by the amount of light that came rushing into his eyes. his eyes widened when he realized he wasn't in his home – he wasn't inside a house either — he's fucking outside.

"having fun hugging my grass?"

taehyung looked up with the voice he heard and saw jeongguk patting some of the leaves that are stuck in the younger's shirt. taehyung immediately sat up, his head hurting, and quickly let go of the grass that he's been holding to all this time.

"w-what happened? why am i here?" he asks, but jeongguk just shrugged. jeongguk's eyes are so swollen and puffy. taehyung stands up and did what jeongguk does, he removes the excess leaves in his shirt.

"oh my god, did you cry? did we sleep here— did we have sex?" taehyung flushed a tad red when he asked the last question. jeongguk almost chuckled with what he heard.

"sex in a garden? wow, that's very decent, kim taehyung." jeongguk sarcastically says and taehyung almost flinched with the tone he used, it was like he's mad at him. but for what particular reason?

"don't talk like your eyes aren't swollen at all. you looked messed up too." jeongguk says and taehyung's eyes widened. he felt his head hurt, did i drink last night? he regrets drinking when he knows he has really low alcohol tolerance, but what's happened already happened.

"ahem, um, okay but? can you let me in, i just kinda need to wash my face before i head home." taehyung pleads, he just couldn't get home looking like this. jeongguk shook his head and stood up, facing his door.

"you have your own house. i don't let strangers in here." jeongguk says and there was something in taehyung that hurt.

"w-what? ya, jeongguk! it's me taehyung! you said my name a while ago, how're we strangers?" taehyung asked, looking a bit confused yet still trying to put up a smile.

"go away. i don't wanna see you."
and then jeongguk slammed the door shut.

taehyung blinked, once, twice, waiting for it to register, but nothing happened. he stood there, completely speechless and confused about what jeongguk just said.

"why would he suddenly get mad?"
that was what's in taehyung's mind as he walks back to his house. he was about to enter when he saw a suspicious figure holding a water bottle in front of his house.

"w-who's there?" taehyung asks, scared because the man's outfit was in all black. the man turned around and easily revealed himself, jung hoseok.

"taehyung!" he beamed, and after a few seconds, hit taehyung on the head with his empty water bottle. taehyung stood in shock, not knowing what and why the older just did that to him.

"i'm not sorry for that one, it's your fault for leaving me drunk in that fastfood restaurant after i treated you a meal, hmp!" hoseok whined and taehyung realized he got drunk yesterday with hoseok.

"oh." he opens the door and lets the older in.

"oh?! i came all the way here and i'll just hear one word from you?" hoseok scolded him like a mother would to his son, and taehyung wanted to cover his ears.

"ya, hyung. make yourself comfortable there or if you want, follow me all the way to the bathroom while ranting there. i'm gonna have to take a shower." taehyung rolled his eyes and went up the stairs, not even surprised that hoseok's following him.

"i cannot believe that you easily left me there! i thought we were friends—"

"hyung seriously? you're literally going to follow me here just to rant?" taehyung asks in awe as he stands outside his bathroom, towel and clothes in hand. hoseok raised his eyebrow.

"can you not judge me? i am still fucking offended with what you did last—"

and taehyung closed the bathroom door, leaving hoseok outside, continuously ranting on how "ungrateful" he was for leaving him last night.

taehyung let the cold water drip into his skin, he was eager to remove the dirt he had when he slept on jeongguk's garden. he was still offended that jeongguk did not let him in his house. he thought they were already friends. he called me hyung, right?

right. and you're supposed to break his heart, taehyung. so don't go get hurt because of a little thing when you're about to break his heart big time. taehyung finished his cold bath, and wore a gray hoodie and some good shorts before heading out.

"oh finally you're back. you k—"

"hyung, i'm sorry okay? but can you please stop now?" taehyung asks, he was getting annoyed with hoseok's unending rants.

"yeah, alright. but i just wanna invite you over to a café! it's only thirty minutes away if we take the subway," hoseok smiles at taehyung who only shook his head.

"no thanks, hyung. the last time i went with you, i got drunk. i'd rather stay in here alone," taehyung mutters, and hoseok pinched his cheeks.

"aw man! that's boring! just join me, i'm sure you'd be really amazed. i'll treat you again, don't worry!" he winks at taehyung who was still not convinced. hoseok nudged taehyung on his shoulder.

"it's a friend of mine's café. it has cakes, frappé, coffee, and it's pretty famous. many people eat there although the owner's not around." hoseok grins as taehyung's face slowly turned into a happy one. he loved cafés more than anything.

"ya sure it's your treat?" taehyung asks and that was the signal.

that's why they ended up outside a big café. taehyung stares in amazement as he internally praises the exterior designs of the café. a lot of people were already in line, and could be seen from the outside.

"min yoon café? it sounds like a minion." taehyung chuckles and hoseok laughs at his comment.

"that's my friend's name. you're lucky he isn't here or else he would've kicked your ass. he hates being insulted — he's savage." hoseok laughs again as he brings him and taehyung inside the café to get something to eat.

"why's he not here?" taehyung curiously asked, looking at the photos inside the café. there was one in the corner, and it showed a really big picture with almost all of the staffs in it.

"oh, the one in the middle. that's him." hoseok answers and points at the man wearing a white longsleeved top and black pants. he looked professional with his hair who looked smooth and silky added, plus the silver watch he had in his wrist.

"he's not here for... personal reasons."
that was the only answer hoseok gave and taehyung was about to avert his eyes from the picture, when he saw a familiar figure beside the owner of the café.

"is this..." taehyung asks, pointing at the person and hoseok was stammered at first but recovered quickly. he nods.

"yes. that's park jimin, and he was someone who used to work in this café, under min yoongi, the owner."

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