11- the rain

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"taehyung! it's raining, where are you going?" chanyeol tried to stop taehyung but it was too late, the boy was too fast in running away.

"what's wrong with him?" jeongguk asks, getting ready for his set of exercises. chanyeol shrugged and looked at jeongguk.

"i don't know, he suddenly sprinted off without even cleaning up. he's got all those sweat and stuffs and he's running through that heavy rain? god, children nowadays." chanyeol clicked his tongue as jeongguk softly chuckled.

"you talk as if you're that old," jeongguk says, pressing the speed button on the treadmill. chanyeol glares at him but watches how he does his exercise.

"whatever. you never missed a week in this gym huh, even after jimin broke up with you." chanyeol smiled, a smile to piss jeongguk off, and it totally did. chanyeol let out a laugh when he saw how jeongguk sped his pace up using the treadmill.

"that's what i like about you. mention jimin and you'll get fired up." chanyeol laughs again and jeongguk only rolled his eyes, concentrating on what he's doing.

"but damn, i really miss yoongi, sometimes he and jimin go here to exercise together—"

"shut. up." jeongguk threatens.

"why? what's wrong with yoongs? got somethin' between you two?" he asks.
"no. just, fucking shut up if you can, chanyeol." jeongguk answers, clenching his teeth.

"what if i can't?" chanyeol teases, and jeongguk glared at him but said nothing.
"i don't know, jeongguk, but why isn't yoongi in here nowadays? i mean, i'd understand if it's hoseok, cause that man doesn't like working out and escapes before it even starts, but yoongi and jimin though... why aren't they here?" chanyeol asks.

"why don't you ask jimin, gukkie? you're his ex-boyfrien—" chanyeol stopped midway once jeongguk stopped the treadmill.

"just shut the fuck up, chanyeol." he rolled his eyes once more, emotion showing nothing less than anger, as he quickly walked away and slammed the door on him. chanyeol blinked as he registers what just happened.

"was that too mean? i just did that to boost his work out skills though." he sighs.
"uh, children nowadays. they both left with too much sweat in their skin, and again, under the pouring rain. oh god bless the souls of these two."


taehyung ran off under the pouring rain, but he could care less. he was just too shy to see jeongguk now that he realized why the younger was mad at him.

taehyung wanted to slap himself.

and so he did.

he slapped himself, once, twice, thrice, until he felt better. he does this every time he's disappointed with himself, and whenever he's done something very regrettable. he slaps himself once more, hoping that it'd make himself feel better.

but it doesn't.

he fished the phone out of his pocket once his favorite ringtone rang, it was a phone call. taehyung could feel the excitement in his bones as he did not hesitate to answer the call.

"hello, mom!" he happily said.
yes, he was under a heavy rain, soaked in wet clothes, sweat washed away by raindrops, but again, he could care less. talking with his mother was what taehyung wanted the most — he missed her voice. he missed everything about her, and the fact that she called him after so long was what made taehyung's heart flutter.

he's very happy.

"don't get overexcited."

but mom's voice doesn't seem like she's happy.
still, taehyung brushed the thought away and continued on grinning happily while walking on the side of the road.

"yes mommy? why did you call? i'm doing fine in here, it's just that it's raining a lot today, and, um, i– uh just got to the gym! i worked out, m-mom! and you see, the—"

taehyung's excited, shaking voice was stopped by his mom's sudden response.

"oh. but i did not call to ask you that, i just called to let you know that we're going to seoul for your brother seokjin's twenty-sixth birthday." and there was something in taehyung that just shattered.

maybe it was his heart.

"o-oh... really?" he tried to sound excited, but his voice just became shaky, with no trace of excitement found.

"yes. i'm gonna send a tuxedo in a few days since the party's in a week. make sure to do well, i don't want the guests to hate on us again just because of you."

taehyung kept quiet.

"at least hide your stupidity this time, taehyung. this is your brother we're talking about— if you dare to shame my son and the family again, i will disown you."

"yes, mom."

"make sure about that. i love my son and i don't want what you did before to happen ever again."

but i'm your son, too.

"o-okay, mom."

"i'm hanging up. i have a meeting."

"sure. take care, i-i love you—" call ended.

taehyung remembers what exactly happened six years ago, when seokjin was having his twentieth birthday. he wanted attention, he craved for it, but he ended up getting nothing but a lot of hateful words coming from his very own parents.

memories filled his mind but he struggled hard to forget it – he doesn't. he thinks of something else that will make him forget his mistake about the party years ago, even if it was just for a while.

taehyung smiled, the weather's nice, alright? taehyung loved the rain because whenever he's hurt, it's always there to cover his tears. since he had no friends, he grew up loving the rain because he can fake and pretend his feelings — no one would know i'm crying right now.

the rain is his only friend.

taehyung felt his head throbbing — it was never good to walk under the pouring rain, and it seemed like he has a fever, but he doesn't care. all he does is cry, pretend nothing's wrong, and walk, even if he couldn't see things clearly now.

he walks faster, closed his eyes while thinking why his mom never loved him the same way she loved seokjin.

when he opened his eyes, he saw a motorcycle coming through his way, and through his blurry vision, he saw that the motorcycle was going to hit him. instead of moving, he smiled to himself and just continued on walking straight before closing his eyes firmly.

"finally, i'm gonna die." and it was like god has granted him his wishes, because he felt a heavy weight on him as darkness filled him next.

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