8- drunk

600 40 17

taehyung was dressed in a nice casual clothing, it was 6 o'clock and he was ready to leave when someone pressed his doorbell. taehyung went down to check the person behind the door and saw someone he did not expect to see.

"a-ah, um–hi?" taehyung awkwardly says as he eyes hoseok from outside the door. hoseok grinned at him which made taehyung get shy.
what is he doing here? is he gonna sue me? but he kissed me!

"hello, taehyung!" hoseok beamed and taehyung was confused. why would he suddenly greet me like this?

"h-hello! w-what brings you here? how'd you know about my house?" taehyung asks, his hand ushering for hoseok to come in. the latter obliged and took a seat inside the living room, making himself comfortable under taehyung's roof.

"ah, about that. namjoon's my acquaintance, i got your location from him." hoseok chuckles and taehyung closed his eyes,
kim fucking namjoon. why does he need to fuck my life up every single time?

"so? what do you want?" taehyung asks and when he realized how rude that was, he immediately said, "i'm sorry— i mean, what are you here for?" taehyung let out an awkward smile and hoseok returned a heartwarming one.

"about that, taehyung... i'd like to talk to you about some things." oh shit i knew it he's gonna sue me. taehyung prayed in his thoughts while hoseok was talking some words.

"a-and what could t-that be?" taehyung asks, he couldn't control his nervousness anymore. he might faint or make his lip bleed for biting it so much.

"just, go eat dinner with me. let's talk right there." hoseok grins, and without further ado, catches taehyung off guard by pulling him outside his house without phone and money in hand.

minutes later, the both of them were waiting for their food to be served in their table. the fastfood restaurant was really quiet so the two had no problems in talking.

"so? what happened two nights ago? i can't seem to remember..." hoseok said and taehyung choked on his hamburger.

"n-nothing." the younger answered, looking away right after talking.
"nothing?" hoseok repeats as if he wasn't convinced. taehyung just nodded without hesitation.

oh my god. i'm such a liar. i'll go to hell because of this. taehyung scratches the back of his neck at hoseok eats his pizza in delight. he looked at the wall clock and it showed 7:30 pm which made taehyung sit in discomfort.

"i feel like i'm forgetting something." taehyung suddenly utters that made hoseok look up. hoseok asked but taehyung just shook his head.

"are you sure nothing happened two nights ago?" hoseok asked once more and taehyung just shook his head. he doesn't want to tell him the truth because hoseok might get mad, although it was his fault.

"okay." hoseok simply answers.
"waiter! soju please," taehyung's eyes widened with what the other said.

"what soju? i-i don't drink, hyung!" taehyung says, the last time he got drunk was during college and it wasn't a good memory. he had low alcohol tolerance thus having one bottle makes him tipsy already.

"oh c'mon, dude it's all on me! don't worry, i gotchu!" hoseok winked at taehyung and opened the four bottles of soju in front of them. taehyung gulped as he watched hoseok drink from one bottle.
he sighs, what if he kisses me again?

"hey. don't look at me like that. i don't get drunk till, let's say, after drinking four-five bottles," hoseok lets out a chuckle before drinking again. taehyung shook his head, unbelievable. the older offered him a drink and he gulped.

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