Chapter Forty Nine

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A/N: Well this is it! The last chapter. Fear not, there is still an epilogue and an afterword, but yeah! Again, Kleenex might be useful.

Chapter Forty Nine:

I woke up to the wind whistling through the trees outside of my window. One of my earbuds was still in from when I'd fallen asleep and a familiar lilting tune greeted me.

"I will be there, and, there and everywhere..." Remembering immediately, and quite dazed, I sat upright in a flash, causing the earbud to fall out. I looked around my room in a stunned state. I was back...nothing had changed, my posters were intact, my computer was blinking to show I never shut the system down before I fell asleep... it was almost like...

"I didn't leave at all." I said aloud to myself in realization. I started trembling as realization hit me, it had all been a dream. Well as you can well imagine, I felt pretty upset. The possibility had been there, sure, but I never...

"It can't be!" I whisper yelled to myself, feeling tears sting my eyes. It had all been so real. I couldn't believe it. I looked at my one large poster and my eyes fell on John; my grandfather, smiling innocently into the camera.

"Come hell or high water, I will see you again..."

"Until then..." His last words to me echoed in my head and tears spilled through my lashes. Instinctively, I reached up for my locket, only to remember I didn't have it. I'd given it to John in parting, which only proved the dream thing further. I had nothing. No proof I was anywhere but my bedroom. The very thing I'd feared had come to pass and I was right. I was heartbroken. I looked over at my window, through tear blurred vision and saw the sky was dark and ominous, almost like it matched my mood. I picked up my phone and unplugged the headphones. Going over to the window, I saw that it had snowed a good deal overnight. I knew I had to get ready for school, but I didn't want to. It was still early, so I just donned a hoodie overtop of my shirt and went downstairs. The fact still stood then, that my parents and I had fought the night before, they'd lied to me for my entire life and nothing at all had changed. And now I had to face them. More tears burned as I got to the living room. Mum and dad were still asleep, as the house was dark and quiet. I planned to wallow in self misery on the couch, so I hit the lights. When I did, my hands flew to my mouth in utter and complete shock, as I saw my once very basic living room now adorned with many photographs! And not just ones of myself and my parents; that was nothing new, but there were photos of my family. My real family. Dad with his mother; my grandmother and his father...John! My mouth hung open in shock as I walked past the ones on the wall, some on the side tables... There were even some photos of dad with Paul, George and Ringo that actually looked like they could have been taken in my life time...

"What is going on?" I whispered. There was no way dad would have put these all up overnight, he was much too stubborn to have a change of heart just because I threw a fit.

"Was it real?" I thought, skimming the other photos. It seemed absolutely insane...and yet... A small seed of hope started to swell in my heart, but I was interrupted by a knock at the door. Dazed still, I went and opened it to see Larry our mailman.

"Oh, good morning, Larry...they don't give you the day off when it's ugly outside?" I tried to find my conversation skills lodged somewhere behind the shock I'd just experienced. Larry smiled at me and handed me the mail.

"The only way I get the day off, is if I have a heart attack, Miss Lennon." He joked. But I almost dropped the mail all over the front step. Did he just say....

"I-I'm sorry?" I stammered. Larry merely repeated what he'd just said, thinking he'd offended me in some way. I offered a laugh and wished him a good morning before closing the door and leaning back against it.

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