Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen: Ashley's POV

The energy levels were high even as the meeting concluded. Well they would be! The lads were heading to America for the first time in any of their lives and as an increasingly popular band. I seemed to almost forget how cross I was at John, Paul and Ringo as we left all of us, including me in high spirits.

"America! We're going to America!" Paul hooted excitedly. I had to chuckle at his enthusiasm.

"Woah woah wait!" George said over the other lads hooting and hollering.

"What about Ashley?" He asked.

"What about her?" Paul said, still giddy with excitement. It then dawned on me. I hadn't been formally included in the travel plans.

"She's staying here with you, is she supposed to go back home or is she coming with us?" George said, looking a little forlorn. The lads paused.

"Well she has to come with us. We've gone this far..." Ringo said.

"It''s no trouble, really. I wouldn't belong there." I spoke up, trying to make the situation better. I really did want to come along though.

"No, no're coming with us just hang on. John, come with me." Paul said, taking matters into his own hands. With John following him back into the building, I was left with George and Ringo.

"Listen, both of you, I think I owe you an apology for my behavior earlier." Ringo out of the blue said.

"Oh...don't worry about it. We've long forgotten, right Ashley?" George said.

"Yeah...yeah it's fine." I smiled.

"Good. It's not my business or Paul's or John's what you two did last night. You had a nice time and that's all that matters." He said sweetly. I smiled wider.

"Thanks Ringo." I said genuinely. Now if only John and Paul didn't have egos the size of the Empire State Building...

"Let it go." I thought to myself. About ten minutes later, Paul and John came back out. I stood from the bench nearby, anxious to hear what had been decided.

"So?" I asked, following George and Ringo over.

"Pack your bags, miss Ashley." John said with a wink. Seemingly his laid back demeanor had returned.

"You're on the flight to America with us." Paul added. I don't know what got into me but I squealed and jumped up and down with delight. The lads were quite amused.


Things were in an absolute tizzy preparing for our departure on the 6th of February. It really didn't take long for me to pack, but one blustery day, Paul came into my room.

"Hey what's up?" I smiled at the familiar face.

"C'mon and get your coat." He said sweetly.

"I'm sorry?" I inquired. I was still a tad timid about our little 'moment' there a while back.

"I'm not letting you go to America without having some new things to wear." He said with a small smirk. I froze.

"'ve done so much for me already. I'm fine with what I have." I chuckled. These guys really had to stop buying me clothes!

"Nonsense, you're going to America! You need to look your finest...not that you don't look you're finest all the's just.." Paul started getting a little bit tongue tied. Deciding to agree to his plans before he burst on me, I laughed and stood up.

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