Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine:
I didn't last very long after that. The pain came back in my ankle and John insisted I go back to bed. He was being so nice to me after our little moment together and I was practically bursting inside with happiness. I hoped it lasted. My nightmare was fading in the back of my mind as I got into bed again. I heard the other three lads Come in briefly before I clocked out again. I didn't even need the pain pills. The next morning, I awoke to chattering coming from somewhere in the flat. Curious as to what was going on, I got up but quickly remembered I had hurt myself when I put weight on my bad ankle. I winced and gritted my teeth.

"Right. That happened. Well I suppose this proves the fact that I'm not dreaming. I painstakingly got into a dress for the day and fixed my hair back into a high ponytail. I touched my cheek and noticed I was rather pale.

"Well let's just take it easy then." I thought as I hobbled out of my room. I heard the lads chattering in the kitchen and headed in that direction.

"Hey, there's Ashley." George said with a friendly smile. I waved and smiled weakly.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Oh Ashley you look so uncomfortable." Paul said with outright sympathy in his beautiful eyes. John was sitting quietly just watching me and Ringo was busy reading the paper.

"Oh I'll be alright." I told him as I came up to the table. Paul pulled out a chair for me and I sat down gratefully.

"Tell the truth, how are you feeling?" He prodded.

"Umm, a little more sore than yesterday, but it's just a sprain. It's nothing." I tried to brush it off because I really didn't want to complain or be a burden. They all had busy lives after all.

"Why don't you have some coffee? That might make you feel better." John suddenly suggested as he pushed a cup of the steaming liquid toward me. I smiled, feeling a little better even than just knowing he wasn't going to be nasty to me.

"Yeah that sounds alright." I agreed before taking a drink of it. My face immediately puckered. It was so sweet!!

"What did you do to this?" I demanded, half amused.

"Oh, is it too bitter? Not enough sugar?" John joked, going for the sugar bowl again. I wallowed the sickening sweet liquid and rolled my eyes playfully. He'd gotten me.

"John! That was mean, apologize." Paul said. I burst out laughing and John was relieved to see I wasn't sour at him I think.

"Paul don't worry about it. It's just a prank." I said lightheartedly as a gave John a playful punch in the arm. His eyes twinkled with amusement as the other three lads stared in amazement. This was unlike the John they knew, being folksy and friendly with a girl and not even having slept with her. Paul was concerned for me I think for that reason. But I didn't know or care at the time. I was finally friends with John, my grandfather and that made me the happiest.


Days passed where I was basically just cooped up around the house. Paul pitied me I think for not being able to accompany them places, but John insisted with him that what mattered most was getting me better. I didn't totally mind, I had a piano to myself and countless books...the most of which I discovered were very inappropriate for me to be reading probably and dad would probably ground me if he found me with one of these books but no one was around, right? They also had a tv in the living room, though I wouldn't even know how to begin to operate it. So I guess you could say by the time my ankle wrap came off, I was right crazy from cabin fever. The day the doctor said the wrap could come off, a hesitantly put weight on the ankle to find I had no more pain! Oh how the lads were happy to hear that. Paul had actually gone out and purchased me firstly, a new coat that had lovely fur around the collar and low heeled shoes to prevent a further 'accident' He was such a sweetie. That day when George asked if I wanted to go down to the studio and listen to them record the few last songs for their album, I nearly leapt out of the door! The air was brisk and the wind had an ugly bite to it as we all climbed into the waiting car to take us across the city.

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