Chapter Twenty Eight

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A/N - This is the last update for today but I figured I'd give you more than one chapter today. This chapter is just Ashley and Paul so not a whole lot happens but I hope you like it anyway.

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Ashley's POV

Morning came quickly and I woke up to the sunlight tickling my eyelids. I looked at the time and it was just after seven thirty in the morning. I knew I had to get up at some point and face the day, so I dragged myself into the shower and got ready by eight. I was wearing a simple grey dress and flat shoes. I didn't want to overdress for coffee after all. Just as I was fixing my wig onto my head, there was a knock at my door. I knew it was Paul, but I didn't expect him to 'pick me up'. Still though, I forced a smile onto my face and opened the door.

"Morning." I said cheerfully.

"Good morning, you look nice." He complimented. Okay, so far this was sounding awful like a date.

"Um, too..." I replied awkwardly. I stepped out of the room and closed the door behind me, double checking I had my room key in my coat pocket.

"So...I didn't even check to see if there was a coffee place even around here." I admitted after a moment of silence.

"Don't worry, I did. There's a nice place about a block from here." He spoke up as we went downstairs to the lobby. That made me feel a little nervous.

"This isn't a date." I thought.

"So... are the others awake?" I tried to change the subject.

"George was; the other two were asleep." Paul answered.

"Oh, did George know where you were going?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

"I mentioned I was going out with you." Was the answer. I nearly tripped over my own two feet.

"Okay we gotta resolve this right now." I thought.

"Listen Paul, I think we need to talk." I started as the crisp winter air hit my face.

"Talk? What about?" He asked, turning his hazel gaze toward me. I took a breath, suddenly at a loss for words.

"Geez it's chilly out here." I tried to change the subject, feeling nervous again.

"Oh, do you want my coat?" He offered. Why was he so sweet?

"No, no I'll be alright." I scrambled.

"So what was it you wanted to talk to me about?" He came right back around to the subject I was suddenly sorry I brought up.

"Um... Sienna." I said stupidly.

"Sienna? Your friend Sienna?" He clarified. I felt warm all of a sudden even though it was most definitely below zero outside.

"Uh you know she wants to write music too?" I searched for something to say.

"Oh really, like you? You two should start a band." He joked.

"We might... We both say we want to come to America when we finish school. I guess I can tell her when I go back home that I beat her to it." I started to relax a little, but Paul fell quiet as we walked.

"What's up?" I asked after a moment.

"I just keep forgetting you're not from this time." He replied, somewhat sadly.

"Oh...yeah sometimes I do too, I'm getting used to living like this." I chuckled.

"So when do you figure you'll go back to where you belong?" He asked, the sad puppy look back again.

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