Chapter Twenty One

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A/N- So I kept my promise, here I am :) I'm trying to write up a storm so I can give you guys more updates. I hope you've all stuck sorry about all the delays but I'm back now for good. So let's see what happens next in the grand adventure...heehee (Also as a side note, if any of you are on tumblr, be sure to check out my all exclusive Beatles Blog, I'm called sassypantslennon so yeah, that's about it...enjoy

Chapter Twenty One:

"Hey I got her away from the work table." John announced to the other three as we reached the lobby. The others turned and brilliant smiles lit up their faces. I still tried to avoid Paul's gaze which I knew was probably making him crazy, but what else could I do?

"Nice of you to rejoin the world Ash...I mean Molly." George said, correcting himself.

"Good to see you guys too. I swear, all I'm seeing is numbers swirling through my eyeballs." I chuckled, trying to make myself appear open and friendly.

"Well, we ought to fix that, shouldn't we?" John said, facing his compadres.

"Absolutely, let's hit the town." Ringo grinned. I was game. I let the others go on ahead of me outside to the waiting car but noticed Paul hung back.

"Hey." He said softly to me which made my heart miss a beat. I was still rattled for obvious reasons, this was dangerous territory if he actually had legit feelings for me.

"Hi..." I replied, sort of in a reserved way.

"Are we okay? I feel like there's still something not right between us." He addressed the elephant in the room. I looked away briefly.

"Can't we just forget about it? We're friends, right?" I decided.

"Of course we're friends, just I don't know, you seemed to be a little aloof since what happened a couple days ago." He said as we walked out the door. I gave him a kind smile, starting to relax again.

"I'm sorry about that. I'm fine, I promise. Let's just you know...forget it happened and move forward. Sound good?" I asked.

"Absolutely." Was his reply and I softly let out a sigh of relief having dodged that entirely. Now maybe I could have a good time.


The boys were extra chatty in the car as it cruised through the New York City streets. I was drinking in every single minute of scenery because when else would I get to see the Big Apple several years before they were even born? I was only half listening to what the four were talking about until I heard them mention the Ed Sullivan show.

"Oh my God, that's right!" I thought. Their appearance on the Ed Sullivan show was the very next day. I felt giddy with excitement and slightly mad at myself for forgetting. I'd been so caught up in everything else since the plane landed in America.

"You hear that, Ashley? Our first show in America is gonna be on television." Paul said to me, his eyes positively sparkling. I grinned.

"Yeah I heard! That's incredible!" I expressed my own excitement. Just as I spoke, the car stopped at our destination, a bar. How appropriate.

"I declare a celebration. We're in America, we've finally got Ashley with us again, so lets party." John beamed as he threw open the car door.

"I can't go in there..." I tried to say, but it went on deaf ears.

"Well won't mother be displeased, her seventeen year old daughter frequenting bars." I thought sarcastically. But honestly, would anyone care much in the 60's? I think sometimes the lads forgot I was so young.

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