Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight:
Well the hospital wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be. Paul refused to leave my side though the entire time, bless his dear heart. The doctor took an X-ray and determined that I'd just sprained my ankle but advised me to keep off it for a few days. He wrapped it up right before sending me back home with 3/4ths of the lads. John was still off somewhere I was sure and I didn't particularly want to see him anyway. The doctor also gave Paul some pain killers to give me to help me sleep and with that we were off. By then it was late afternoon, we'd wasted hours in the hospital waiting room. George and Ringo were talking about going out again that night as I started feeling a little sleepy.
"Will you come with us?" George asked Paul.
"No I think it's best if I stayed with Ashley tonight." He answered.
"Paul you don't have to, I'm fully capable of looking after myself." I tried to interject.
"Nonsense. You're injured. The least I can do is look after you." He said gently. I couldn't say no to those eyes. When we got home, I had a hell of a time getting up the front steps so much so that Paul just gave up and scooped me into his arms.
"You really don't have to!" I protested with a light laugh. But there was no arguing with him. He set me down though once we got to the door. I was a little bit flustered but mostly grateful. Bed sounded wonderful to me as George opened the door to the flat and he and Ringo went on inside. With Paul's help I limped on inside as well. To my surprise, John was in the living room with a guitar, papers all over the coffee table, a pencil sitting on top of his ear and he had on these wide rimmed glasses I'd only ever seen in really old photographs.
"You finally brought the klutz home, did ya?" He said without looking up. I felt like he'd kicked me in the gut. So much for Paul saying he'd get over it. I opened my mouth to retaliate, but Paul stepped in.
"That was very unkind, even for you." He said boldly.
"Paul don't worry about it." I sighed, not feeling up to fighting with the man again. John turned to look at the four of us.
"So...what happened?" He surprisingly changed demeanour.
"She's just got a sprain but has to keep off of it for a few days." I felt like I'd just gotten mental whiplash. Suddenly he'd turned from cynical and mean to curious and somewhat compassionate. Paul led me over to sit with him as I tried not to hang my mouth open like a fish in shock.
"Does she need anything?" He asked.
"Do you?" Paul asked. I shook my head mutely. Was this happening? It was like the day before at the studio all over again. I sat in a stunned state as the lads began talking about music again. I was dropping off just because of the adrenaline that had gone through me from hurting myself but I was wide awake due to John's sudden 180 from when he said to me and I quote 'ain't karma a bitch'.
"Are you tired, love?" Paul suddenly spoke to me.
"She would be. It wears you out injuring yourself like that." John spoke up. Another shocker.
"I'm fine." I tried to protest. It wasn't even dinner time yet.
"You really should lay down, Ashley. Even if it's for a little while. We'll make sure to keep quiet." George said with a cute smile.
"Alright. I suppose I could rest for a little bit." I agreed, going to get up. Paul helped me as usual to my room.
"Do you need help like I can get you something more comfortable to wear." He said.
"No that's okay. I can take care of myself." I assured him.
"Alright. You get some rest. We'll be quiet." He smiled at me before he left the room. I painstakingly changed into my pyjama clothes and closed the blinds in my room. I crawled into bed and just laid atop the covers. I didn't even feel that tired but I was out in no time.

"Ashley. What a beautiful name."  My vision fuzzed as my eyes opened and it was like I was watching a movie. I could see a hospital room and it was dark out so probably late in the day. Mother was in the hospital bed looking tired but happy as anything with daddy by her side. There was another man there holding a newborn baby.
'Is that me?'  I wondered. I tried to go closer but it was like a glass panel was blocking me from getting closer.
'A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.' Dad said. It was me. Who was this man? He started to hum a tune I wasn't familiar with.
'Is that your new song?' Dad asked the man.
'Yeah. It's for her.' Was the man's answer.
'Beautiful girl, ready to take on the whole wide world...' He sang softly.
'It's lovely, dad.' Dad said. My heart almost fell out of my chest. It was John?! My...
'My grandfather. He's meeting me for the first time.' I thought feeling tears spark my eyes. Then suddenly everything went dark and I was then waking up on the main drag near the Dakota in New York City. My heart pounded in my chest as I stood there, knowing in my soul what was happening. The sky was dark, there was a nip in the air.
'Oh no...' I whispered. I saw John and his wife Yoko (I realized she would be my grandmother) walk past me like I wasn't even there.
'John!!' I cried his name, running down the sidewalk after him. And then I saw him. The man who would assassinate him.
'Mr. Lennon.' He said the iconic words.
'JOHN!!!' I screamed. But I was too late. The gunshots rang out and moments later he fell to the ground unable to stand on his own anymore. His wife was screaming bloody murder and my feet took me over faster than I'd ever ran. Yoko didn't seem to see me as I fell to my knees beside him. He was still breathing. Tears stung my eyes as I brushed the hair from his eyes.
'John, John look at me.' I demanded.
'Ashley?' He asked, recognizing me.
'It's me. I'm here. Just hold on.'  I begged him. Sirens wailed in the distance and I took his hand.
'Ashley...I'm sorry...' He said softly.
'Sorry? What are you sorry for?' I cried.
'For not being a better man. Your dad is going to grow up without a father. I tried to be better for him...I should've...' He stopped talking as he fell still, exhaling his last breath.
'John? John..?! No!! No come back!!!' I screamed.

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